Realisation: Chapter 2

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New Oxford, 25 January 2048

5.00 PM, Mane and his family left the restaurant they were having an evening meal in and proceeded to the state car and leave for their residence. The car surrounded by the police escort customary of such a high ranking member of the government travelled swiftly through the streets of the Culture District.

Mane sat quietly with his family in the back of the car contemplating what he would say to Quent when he met him in his study later that night. He knew had an ally in Quent but the means to achieve his newfound goal were still out of reach. Were the rumours true?

After ten minutes or so, the car stopped outside Mane's residence and Mane including his family went inside the residence. The car drove off with the police escort leaving the street quiet outside.

"That was a delightful meal!" remarked Gaius, "I particularly enjoyed the main course."

"It was indeed nice, thank you for paying" replied Mane in a warm and loving tone.

"I will see you tomorrow, I have some business to attend to in the study."

Mane after showing uncustomary affection to both Gaius and Mane left for the study.

For the next few hours, Mane read documents and pondered over anything which could help assist him. He knew that the rumours existed, they had been whispered for years even by the most senior advisors to the Supreme Elder. Knowing that fact, he racked his memory going back to the middle 2020s where the evacuation of the intelligentsia properly began. It was hard work as Mane was only 18 or 19 at the time but the passion to save his son made him continue in the face of such difficulty.

After thirty minutes or so, he did remember that a small group of intellectuals refused the invitation to reside in the secure location based on their moral objection of the thesis proposed by the then Dr Pasco.

He couldn't exactly remember their names or where they came from but he knew the rumours were true. Being a man of intelligence, Mane also ran through his mind once more to make sure it wasn't his confirmation bias or desire to save his son tricking him to remember a false memory.

In those five hours before the meeting with Quent, Mane finally knew what he would propose to Quent. It was a breakthrough and an event which would lead to seismic changes in the society that was Academia.

The grandfather clock in his study indicated it was indeed 10 PM and Mane waited anxiously awaiting the arrival of Quent at the back entrance of the residence which was usually for domestic staff.

The phone rang and Mane picked it up immediately, "Yes." Mane said down the phone anxiously.

"It's Dr Quent, I'm downstairs."

Mane replied "Come up to my study, the door is unlocked but please be quiet." putting down the phone.

The door opened and Quent came in.

"Evening, old friend," said Mane.

"Same to you," replied Quent.

They embraced and then sat down at the highback seat next to the grand fireplace which dominated the study. "May I get you a drink?" enquired Mane.

Quent in a relaxed tone replied, "Yes, I'd like that very much considering what we are most likely discussing."

Mane rose from his seat and opened the drinks cabinet which was next to his desk. "Whisky, Rum, perhaps a glass of Wine?" said Mane.

"Whisky, Double Johnnie Walker Blue and be generous. Have one as well"

Mane agreed with the sentiment and he poured two large glasses. Closing back up the drinks cabinet, he settled back into his seat but not before giving the whisky to his old friend.

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