Riding In The Rain

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Amelia's POV

Sigh, I always get roped into these messes
It's kinda hard not to, when your the quiet one in a group of outspoken people.

Hey Amelia, do you want to go the park and climb to the top of the playground even though it's super high and dangerous?
Sure. ( I ended up twisting my arm)

Hey Amelia, do you want to see how many donuts Corren can eat in one sitting even though you know he  can barely eat a serving of soup?

Sure. (There was so much barf)

Hey Amelia, Do you want to go to a math study group even though you hate math ?
I don't even know how I got roped into that one.( to be fair Aiden barely does any math and it's super fun )

But kidnapping from a hospital! The weirdest, scariest, and craziest thing I've ever done. I didn't even get a choice this time, they just assumed I would help.
RD overheard the doctor saying that Malissa only needed a breathing tube to survive right now, and she has a portable one. So RD got a wagon and put, blankets and pillows in it. With Corra and Corren's help, they got Malissa into her portable breathing tube and set her down into the wagon.Corra (with Willow on her chest) gets in as well to support Malissa's head. My job is to bring the wagon out to the back door and wait until Corren and RD come with the decoy( which is my guitar). The decoy part is my least favorite part of the plan. My guitar is my prize possession , but I do want Malissa to be happy.
RD starts to countdown. And on the final number, we all start running. I don't know what it is , but I didn't even care about all the screaming and chasing like I usually would if anything, I just tuned it out and just kept on running until I got to the backdoor. RD told me to get into the wagon when we got to the backdoor, so I did. RD caught up about two minutes later and he had a jump rope and a ...mini bike! " Oh heck no", I blurted out. I hate any bike that has a motor because you know how dangerous that is.

"Wait", I think,"Have I been complaining all this time?" I'm usually a very calm person, but this is weird. I decided to just get in the wagon and deal with it. RD looked relieved. But I noticed that Corren was holding onto RD extra tight as they rode off.

It wasn't glorious of course, I don't think 3 kids riding in a wagon connected to a mini bike by a jump rope with two other kids riding it could be, but it worked. But then something felt...wrong.
I noticed a faint blue and red light flashing. THE POLICE! DID RD EXPECT THIS! It looked like he did because he didn't even seem phased.
Everybody else though, where screaming like they just saw the scariest thing in the world(Centapids).

Then, RD made a sharp turn and they ended up riding down a hill. The wet grass from the rain made us roll down faster.

When they stopped rolling they ended up at a riverbed, and somehow no one had fallen off of the wagon

"ROBERT DYLAN", I screamed not even caring how loud I was," WHAT MESS DID YOU GET US IN".
"Hey Hey" , RD said, " I didn't even know you could get that loud."

While he was right, it took a lot of effort to get that loud, but she didn't care, she was MAD. She was so MAD she could barely even pay attention to what RD was saying. But she did notice when he pulled out a life jacket, and then another, and then another.
"How many life jackets do you have back there",Corren says.

"Enough for everybody",RD replies," "and a automatic blow out raft",He looked specifically at me we he said the next part,"with seat belts".

He said it with a little smirk and I just had to smile at that.

So we all put on our lifejackets, moved the stuff  into the raft, buckled up, and started moving down the river.

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