Background Info

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*this is a soulmate au that I concocted myself, please let me know if anyone has a similar plot or idea tho pls*
*Disclaimer no the picture above has nothing to do with the story at all, just wanna say who should be the true president of the country**And before u guys argue about politics in the comments, I am politically neutral and the only political debates I'm going in to are which fictional character would be a better president, I'm not gonna concern myself with realistic figures*

In the au I'm thinking of, it will have quirks, but Endeavor is a bit nicer in this one, cuz its wholesome and all.

-Some basic background info-

Soulmates, or fated pairs, are able to communicate with each other through writing on themselves with a pen, and have a somewhat vague idea of what the other is going through with being connected to the other with an emotional bond as well.
Going off of communicating with writing on their skin with a pen, soulmates will be hurt if their partner is being hurt, but won't feel any pain. It would be like if one would get a cut on their hand from falling or something. Their partner would also get the same cut in the same place, but it won't cause any pain or blood loss, just leave a cut and scar over. Though, for the soulmate who wasn't directly hurt, it would be a less obvious scar, just really hard to see.
(I mostly added this in for todo's abuse from his father and it actually plays into the story really well in my opinion)

At birth, each soulmate has the same birthday, born at the same time in different places, but around the same area. Though, sometimes they can be born in the same hospital, it is usually somewhat unusual for there to be such a close radius when the pair is brought into the world. In some cases, there might be a group of three soulmates, bound to eachother (yes I'm giving the opportunity for a threesome/polymerous relationship).

For a few minutes after birth, before their bond is established, they see color everywhere, they can smell everything around them, they can clearly hear everything going on, and the world is a bright and wonderful place.

As soon as the bond between the soulmate and their partner is complete and accepted as destiny, though, they fall into a state of senselessness, and this is where it gets somewhat mental for some. Once they feel this change, they immediately want more of the color, to fully experience the world around them, fueling them to meet their soulmate throughout their life to sense the world around them once more.

They lose the ability to see colors, seeing a black and white monochrome filled sight. Their sense of taste also disappears, leaving every food tasting bland and the same as all the others. Their hearing is somewhat clouded, like they have cotton in their ears, blocking smaller sounds and leaving them somewhat deaf, but they can hear major noises and sounds though to communicate with others. They can't smell anything at all, and here is where it sometimes gets tricky.

Some people's senses get more clouded than usual, or completely closed off, so its not that uncommon to find someone who might be deaf at birth, or even blind until they meet their soulmate. For them, it's just takes their body a bit longer to adjust to their new environment after they meet their partner, but hardly anyone in this world is still deaf and blind after meeting their mate, it just makes it harder for them to find the other.

Due to this mutation, as people call it, through the bond, almost all of society has learned sign language to communicate with those who are deaf and learned Braille as well since it's a sort of universal communication for everyone. They teach these things to kids at school, so just about everyone can still talk to everyone, and some teachers even use these forms of communication in the classroom so that, even if one person can't hear the teacher, they can see what they are saying with their hands or writing and understand the lesson still.

♥︎Colorful Monochrome♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz