"packing is so boringgg"

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i threw the socks on the bed and went out my room downstairs into the living room closet grabbing my suitcase and running back up to my room
kairi: tf am i supposed to wear
pule: look for something that won't make you look like a little kid babe
i giggled a little as i heard kairi cuss under his breath pule and robert joined me and we stopped laughing i went into my closet and pulled open my braw and underwear drawers, i went and moved my camera to the side a bit and picked up a black braw and underwear set and threw it on my bed along with 2 others 2 white pair 3 purples, and 2 red ones, i set them on my bed as i turned my camera back and saw everyone at the closets
y/n: packing is so boringgg
kairi: right

i went to my closet, i closed my open drawers and moved my curtain aside seeing all my shirts i grabbed a few and sat down opening the big drawer under the clothes grabbing some of my favorite pants, skirts and shorts, i closed the drawer and looked at my shoes that sat on top of my pants drawer
grabbing a few pairs of shoes and walking back to my suit case i put in my toothbrush, hair brush, face wash, and ect in the first pocket and closing it up walking to move my camera towards me and i saw pule still in her closet, robert almost done packing, ale setting his clothes on his bed and kairi putting his suitcase on the floor opening it
i started to fold my shirts and put them in one by one and then put my pants skirts and shorts in having no space left i sat on my clothes seeing them go down a bit and struggling to close my bag as the fuck heads on the screen laughed at me
ale: you need help
he laughed
pule: want me to run over i can help you
she said putting her belongings in her suitcase
y/n: it's fine
i said getting up and grabbing my backpack and emptied it on my floor in a pile and grabbing some things that didn't fit in my suitcase and closing it, i set my suitcase on the side of my bed along with my bag and laid down
robert: wanna go out guys
he said sitting down at his desk
ale: food
pule: fat ass
kairi: i finished rather quick he said looking up at the camera
pule: your the last one to be done
kairi: wtv
he said laying down on his bed
pule: mall?
y/n: never
i said remembering what went down yesterday
pule: sorr-
y/n: it's ok
i said looking at my camera

we discussed where we wanted to go and everyone hung up and got ready to leave

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