Where we are now

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As I said earlier the year is 2976 and genetic experiments like the one done on me was used to hopefully extend human life, I was born in the year 2858, and stopped aging in the year 2876, you do the math. Basically I've been 18 for about one hundred years and lived in the genetics facility in Quebec since the day I was born.
Anyway I should probably give you a little more insight into the situation at hand. According to the scientists there was some nuclear air strike the took out all of Mexico and most of the United States leaving Canada untouched about 110 years ago which is when the testing really kicked in. I was still quite young which is why I was the perfect candidate for this "treatment" where they would inject me with wolf genes everyday, every four hours to see if it would make me healthier or stronger, it was a success. The result of this treatment ended with me as a shapeshifter.
Now see it isn't just me here in Quebec there is a whole pack of us. Aside from me there is the rest of my pack. Jeremy is our leader and my boyfriend, Bat is the second in command, Luke is Bat's younger brother, Aleric is is my brother, Maia is my long time roomie at the genetics facility, then there is Riley and Linsey who are the newest additions to the pack and of course Sam. We have know each other for most of our lives but we have really gotten to know each other most recently because we have been released from the facility and been given a house, money, and what they call "protection". Personally having four big guys around with guns who's names are Roco, Carl, John, and Ryan don't exactly put me at ease because they aren't very intimidating.
Now based on what you've just heard you probably think that we are just out here in the middle of nowhere living it up, right? Wrong. We started off living in one place for a couple months but when Sam was almost killed by a shot through our third story window we decided it was time to leave. We have realized that we will never be truly safe or alone because we are the most successful genetic experiments in the history of the facility. They used our exceptionally healthy genes, filtered out the wolf genes that change you to a shifter, and used it on a few test subjects to find that our genes can be used to extend human life. If that last statement didn't catch your interest I don't know what will which is exactly my point. We caught the interest of a lot of bad people who want to use what we call "compound W" as a means to live forever. The other thing that can be done with compound W is that it can be turned into a serum of death. By simply altering the genes a little the compound becomes volatile and corrosive, basically it'll eat you from the inside out alive and there are many people who want that.
My pack and I have been on the move for about two months now. We take only essentials and we move only at night and only as wolves, it's safest that way. During the day we find a cave to sleep in or we hunt for food, whichever we need most alarmingly, usually food though because it is becoming harder and harder to find. Since the nuclear strike 110 years ago there have been several more that have affected parts of Canada whipping away forested areas and the wildlife in that area. We are always looking for food or others like us but both are becoming rare occurrences. We just finished our hunt and are about to eat when Aleric comes back with some alarming news... "Kala!" Screamed Aleric, " I have found something amazing!"
"What is it?" I ask
"You will never believe this", he said gleefully
"Show me what has you so wound up", I said
So Aleric leads me, Jeremy, Maia, and Bat to the overlook of the stream that runs through this area while Luke and Sam stay to guard our essentials and our fresh kill. As a human I would never have been able to see what he was talking about but with my heightened senses and sharpened clarity of focus I saw about a mile down there were two wolves drinking at the stream.
"Could they be shifters?", asked Aleric in the most curious voice I think I've ever heard ring through my head.
"Could be", said Bat, "let's go find out shall we?" He said as he wiggled his wolf tail as seductively as possibly, and then he took off down stream. We stared chasing him and then we were right next to him snout to snout, paw for paw with him. We stopped a few yards away and discussed possible approach option but decided sneak attack would be best. We decided to flank them so the only places they could go would be right into the rushing stream.
10 yards away, 5 yards, 2, we were right on top of them when all the sudden the one on the left whirled around and snapped at my throat. I quickly countered with a step back and then lunged all fur and teeth at the snarling opponent. I gripped onto the back of her neck as she shook violently trying to free herself of my clasp. As she shook I got a glimpse of bat taking on the other one who seemed to be losing to Bat considering he was almost double their size. I regained focus on my fight, clamped down harder with my teeth till I tasted blood the drug her to submission or fear losing a chunck of flesh, bat was on top of his looking like a real champ with all paws pinning down the loser giving me that goofy Wolfe grin. Our opponents shifted to human form to surrender then we changed too. The girls tell dud their names were Linsey and Riley, they came from the states seeking safety and others like them, like us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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