Chapter 6

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Aboard the U.S.S Intrepid, Captain Amal Munshif was, at least outwardly, approaching this day like any other. There had been almost constant surveillance of his ship, and of Shelby's fleet, by ships out of Fenris. Either Fenris military vessels, or Fenris Ranger vessels, were keeping a close eye on the Intrepid, Galaxy, and Sovereign Class ships that were enforcing the blockade.

Admiral Shelby had made it clear to every Captain: defensive action only, unless you felt your ship was in imminent danger. So far, the Fenris military and the Rangers had played it cool. Unfortunately for Shelby, not everyone on her blockade were working for Necheyav or for her.

Munshif had been recruited years ago by Section 31. He was already a member when Sloan climbed his way to the top-and in Section 31, you climbed your way over the bodies and careers of others. Sloan's Tal Shiar training had come in handy in paving his way to the top. Of course, Munshif had no idea of that little nugget.

The truth was, Sloan wanted a war, even more than Necheyav. He wanted a reason to take The Federation to the next level. If truth be known, he wanted The Klingons to get involved, as he felt The Federation could cripple the Empire in a war, leaving The Federation as the only intact entity in the Alpha Quadrant, to do with as it pleased.

So here was Captain Munshif, put in place to wreak havoc on behalf of Sloan, Section 31, and The Federation. It was a shame, he thought sadly to himself, that his brave crew-and he himself, would have to be sacrificed for a greater good.

Captain Harry Kim had left the area of McKinley Station and set a course for his assigned zone near the Cardassian DMZ. However, once he moved just beyond the Kuiper Belt, the Calgary turned off all of its transponders and identification markers, then did a one-eighty, heading back toward Ganymede. He then initiated the Borg-enhanced encryption that Seven had devised so the three ships could talk to each other and no one else could get in on the conversation.

His former EMH on Voyager was now aboard his ship, and he had transferred ten SpecOp members to both the Icheb I and the Phantom. They were set to move on the XB facility on Ganymede.

Harry, being an active Captain, was in command of this mission, since he would have his people as the larger force. Harry looked around his bridge, glad that he had hand-picked such a good team-a team that loved service in Starfleet, but who were also appalled at where Necheyav was taking The Federation. They had been briefed on this mission. They were behind it completely.

"Kim to Janeway", Harry said crisply.

"Go ahead, Captain."

Harry gave a small smile, hearing Kathryn Janeway call him Captain. "Calgary is in position. Begin your landings."

"Aye, Captain", Janeway said, nothing but business in her voice.

The two modern, cloaked ships began their slow, silent ascent through the thin, almost non-existent atmosphere of Jupiter's largest moon. The Phantom, with Janeway and Seven onboard, approached the front of the complex. There was a medium-sized landing pad in front of the entrance, and they had discussed landing there, but everyone had agreed that landing on the roof, where there was a large access door leading into the facility, would give them a better chance at surprise.

Tom Paris was piloting the Icheb I. He was still one of the best pilots anyone could ever find, and, like Seven piloting the other ship, he made a soft, barely discernible landing on the rear section of the building.

The only problem was that they did not know the true layout of the complex. It was thought that the front, being an entrance, was where administration was handled, and that the rear would be where XB's were held in confinement. They also suspected a lower level was awaiting them as well.

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