Chapter Four

12 3 7

  “Our eyes glowed with warmth, the moon had nothing on us. Together we illuminated the profound obscurity.”

Classes are a blur today. Well, after the bathroom incident it was hard to concentrate, but I tried to. I’m not sure I did any good though. The teachers welcomed me back, the principal also called me to his office and gave me an encouragement / welcome speech. Oh, and the whisperings continued. 

After classes Emma left for her room only after she had pestered me relentlessly concerning why I stood like a bump on a log sulking, until I gave in and narrated what happened at the bathroom - to which she got pissed and fumed in anger until I smiled.

I got to my room by 7, commenced on my schoolwork for most of the time, and the rest was spent curled up like a ball in bed staring at space. 

Taking my phone, my fingers quickly type out a message to mom telling her I’m fine, and how I have had dinner in reply to her earlier texts before clicking the send button. Honestly, I had a late lunch, and I wasn’t hungry tonight, so it wasn’t totally a lie. 

I close my eyes and decide to retire to bed but with my incessant tossing and turning I realize how useless my decision was. Glimpsing at the time, It is just 10. I prop myself in a position so that my face is facing the ceiling that seems high and faraway but not totally boring, since there were little dots on the white paint. One time I and Ara were having a drink- fight. Well, I guess that explains the dots already. As I stare at it, I debate on what to do now.

A minute or two into by mental discussion, I hear the familiar message tone of my phone and quickly dive my hand beside my pillow, my fingers searching for the cool metal. With my face still facing upward, I find my phone and raise my hand to my face victoriously and unlock it.

Hey Evie, sorry I haven’t called today. I decided to text in case you were already asleep. Please text me if you are still up”- Tyler

It hits me that I haven’t talked to Tyler today and a frown appears on my face. He didn't even bother to call me through out the day. I continue to peer at the message deliberating on if I should reply since I am not in the mood to talk, and yes I also have nothing to do. 

Oh well, a little texting won’t hurt.

  Hey Tyler. I am up. What’s up?  - Eve

I lower my phone on my chest after I hit the send button and wait impatiently for him to reply. To think I was debating talking to him. Sighing, I decide that I have a problem. A minute later, my phone buzzes, signalling his reply.

I have been busy with practicals. How did your classes go today? -Tyler

I think for a second and decide to leave out the bathroom scene.

They were okay. Although people kept staring at me and whispering -Eve

Sorry about that, you know how people can be. They can hardly hide their curiosity or thoughts. - Tyler

I know I know. Tyler, I am finding it really hard to fall asleep. – Eve

A few minutes after I send that text, he still has not replied. I groan and almost turn my phone off but before I can hit the off button, it buzzes.

Sorry for taking time, I was thinking of what to do to help calm your beautiful head. I know you find it hard to sleep when your head is filled with things. Should I tell you a joke? – Tyler

 I smile and bite my lip in thought. A joke won’t hurt.

Go ahead – Eve

I type quickly and anticipate when I see him typing back, wondering what he’ll come up with.

Are you a Mexican food? Cause I want to wrap you in my arms and make you my BAE-RITTO – Tyler

Warmth creeps into my cheeks and I try to stifle a laugh. However I can’t help it as I find myself letting out a little chuckle. 

Lol No, Tyler this is super corny, you’re a doofus -Eve

Okay let me try another. This would definitely get you laughing. If it doesn’t, then you’re just boring.  Here goes nothing, 

They say the sun sets in the west” how wrong they must have been. Actually, it sets in your face and the stars take permission from your beautiful eyes to rise and shine at night-do you not know that -Tyler

As soon as I read the text, I could feel the red heat creeping into my face.

Aww. No Ty, I didn't know that.
Your corny ass got the jokes somewhere I know, obviously why you took time to reply earlier. You went searching -Eve

Almost as soon as the message delivers, his pops up. And I can’t help the big smile that splits across my face.

Well, of course not. I came up with them on my own. The second isn't a joke though. Do you think I’m incapable? ..
However, I sure would love you wrapped up in my arms babe - Tyler

I smile wittily, and my fingers begin tapping on my screen.

Well, I think you going to search it up already spells your incapability out.
P.s I know when you’re lying. By the way, you could always sneak in - Eve

Well, I will show you my capabilities soon. Although it would leave you stuck in amazement and swooning over me. Tomorrow I’ll sneak in. -Tyler

What are these capabilities you speak of dear? – Eve

It is a surprise. Only because you doubted them. I’ll show you what I’m made of -Tyler

Well, I’d be here waiting patiently for you to go search for something else Ty, probably on Google. Goodluck. - Eve

Evie, you underestimate me, we'll see. I think we should go to bed now though. You should try sleeping now, It’s 12 -Tyler

Smiling, I let out a little breath, surprised that time ran this fast.

Well, I’ll give it to you. It was fun texting you. You made my night. And that’s true, goodnight Ty.- Eve

We on to sexting now? Lol I would love to make your every night. I love you – Tyler

 I feel my face get red immediately I read it.

Stop it Ty. I love you too – Eve

Gently dropping my phone beside my pillow, I turn to my side, throw the duvet over my head, and try to make myself comfortable by searching for the perfect position. I settle on a fetal position with me on my side and my legs curled up underneath me. Soon, my mind begins to generate thoughts, like why Ava was so suspicious of Tyler. 

Unfortunately, the silence and thoughts only bring me back to my reality and the futility of trying to ward off the loneliness looming around me.

Determined to get some sleep, in avoidance of being sluggish, I tug my eyes closed till I feel myself drifting. Soon, I’m welcomed into a dreamless sleep.

So when I wrote this chapter, I think I was in dire need of some cheesy texts.
Hope it makes y'all smileeeee.

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