Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Jesus POV

     " Ok damn im calm now get her out my house " Ka'nene say

    We just sitting there and I see Ka'nene pissed off , we hear this loud ass banging on the door !

   We all look at each other Ka'nene walked off into another room !

Jordon POV

    I get up and looked out the peep hole and see Shiance and a police officer , In my mind I thinking ahhhh damn our dad gone be pissed I ask who is it and to my knowledge its the police officer so I open the door .

" Hi officer can I help you " I say

" Yes you can , now this lady tells me she got gang up on and from the looks of it  , Now I wanna ask if I can have everybody out the house that would be nice "

" Wtf we didnt do shit to her " Tay whispered to Kaci , Kaci shook his head and walked out the house  .

    Everybody came out except Ka'nene " Sorry officer but it was one more person " Shiance said in a soft voice " Is that ture " the officer ask us

" Umm um- and I got interrupted by Ka'nene " Yes sir it is me and I'm the one that beat her ass because she was on my property and wasnt suppose to be and she came at me first " Ka'nene say " Well I cant arrest her ma' because you were on her property " The officer tells Shiance

" Well sorry for the problem yall take care " The officer tells us

  Ka'nene POV

    " That bitch ain't getting away with bringing the cops to my house and being mad disrespectful nope jordon check that hoe before I have to break that hoe " 

Jesus POV

    Damn lil mama was sexy when she was pissed I love a girl that can take care of herself and handle business like she just did !

Jordon POV

   Damn I need to find better girlfriends our dad is gone be mad at us well really me because I'm the oldest !

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