the psycho continues

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Spongebob was sitting in the dark
wondering who was next.

spongebob: who, who's next, I know

spongebob pay's Sandy a visit, when he got in sandy was busy with an
experiment, sandy told him to watch
it that she would be right back, before
she got back spongebob smashed
everything, she came back and was

sandy:what's wrong with you.
spongebob: what's wrong with me
what's wrong with you, you only use
me for your useless experiment's but
today all that will end, today you shall suffer the same faith as the rest.
spongebob Pull's out a knife and starts walking towards sandy, while
sandy walk's backwards away.
sandy: spongebob.

spongebob: Sandra
sandy: spongebob.

spongebob: Sandra.

sandy: spongebob.

spongebob: San....dra.

with all his might spongebob stabs sandy, over and over, a blood stained
spongebob hide's her corpse in her
tree dome and leaves.

spongebob: mr krabs I'm coming for you.

spongebob Laugh's like a maniac, as he head's to his boss house, he gets there and knocks at the door.

Mr krabs: hold on I'm coming, hi spongebob, come in.

spongebob: thanks.

mr krabs: what's that' red stuff on you.

spongebob: blood of my victim.

mr krabs: looking nervous and worried, so what brought you here boyo.

spongebob: to kill you.


it was night time spongebob and mr krabs were just sitting until spongebob brought out his gun and said.

spongebob: I have no more use for you goodbye.

and shot mr krabs 3 times in his chest
killing him instantly.

spongebob put mr krabs body into a
sack and took his boat to the dump but was spotted by an officer.

officer: freez

spongebob brought out his gun and shot him in the head 3 times, killing him.

spongebob: out of bullets.

spongebob takes the officer gun.

spongebob: cool reloaded.

spongebob puts the officer corpse in
the sack as well and enters the dump
dumping there bodies and leaving with a slight smile on his face and head's home.


it was morning, spongebob just got out of bed and went to get his mail, he got mail from Larry the lobster telling him to come over to the so they can hang out.

spongebob: excellent.

spongebob got ready and head for the gym, he got there and saw Larry working out as usual.

spongebob: hello Larry.

Larry: glad you could make bro, so what do you want to do first.

spongebob: how about the movies.

Larry: good idea dude.

spongebob: thanks.


spongebob and Larry have been hanging out all day and now it's night time.

spongebob: wanna do one last thing before we call it a night.

Larry: sure.

spongebob takes Larry to the dump.

Larry: why are we in the dump.

spongebob: to play a game called blind shot.

Larry: how do you play.

spongebob: I'll show you.

spongebob blindfolds Larry and shot him in the head twice, eventually killing Larry.

spongebob: that's takes care of that.

spongebob head's home and thinks who will be his next victim.

psychopathic spongeWhere stories live. Discover now