1~ An unexpected suprise

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Bellatrix walked through Hogwarts heading towards Professor Dumbledore's office. As she walked she admired her surroundings thinking of the past seven years that she had spent at the old school. Some might say that it looked scary some nights when it was in darkness but Bellatrix liked that, she liked the feeling of darkness she always had. But Bella couldn't wait until two more weeks when she would finally leaving the school for good. She heard footsteps behind her and turned around to find her younger sister Narcissa running towards her "Hey Bella wait up!" She yelled.

"Hi Cissy can't talk right now I've got to go to stupid Dumbledore's office" she groaned.

"That's weird I have to go there too" They reached his office as Cissy knocked three times on it.

"Come in" a voice called out to them from inside the room. They walked in to not only find their parents but also their other sister Andi sitting inside. "Why are you all here?" She asked while putting her hands on her hips.

"Bellatrix show some respect towards us would you" her mother replied  back at her.

"Yes mother, sorry mother"  Bellatrix said while curtsying.

"Um... you're parents here were saying that there's an emergency and you must simply go home at once for the weekend all though I don't understand why it can't wait until the holidays" Dumbledore's said.

Bella had a suspicion that it was something to do with her 17th birthday as it was tommorow. But she didn't say anything for she was too afraid if she did.

*im switching to 1st person because I think it will be easier to write*

As me and my family landed from apparition I was slightly upset to be back to this dreadful house. Now you see from outsiders we may look like the perfect family but in reality we're not. Cygnus (my father) sleeps with other women and has a drinking problem all though I don't think Druella knows about the sleeping bit. I call them by their real names when it's just us because I don't think they deserve the title of being called my parents when they don't even care about me. They only care about our family name and how we appear to others. "Mother what are we doing here?" Cissy asked

"You see even though I do not care about throwing a party for Bellatrix I'm afraid we have to, all Pureblood families will be here tommorow and... the d-dark lord will also be there" she said nervously.

"Omg the dark lord is coming to my party this is going to be the best birthday ever!!!" I squealed to myself.

"Honestly Bellatrix I don't see why you're happy about this, but you three must be on your best behaviour I will not tolerate your attitudes especially tommorow." My mother said angrily

I have been wanting to meet the famous dark lord for some time now. Although no one has told me what he looks like I can only imagine how handsome and powerful he must look. And now this is my chance to finally meet him!!!


As me, Cissy and Andi walk into my room we all flop down onto my bed after an exhausting day from having a stuffed belly from our dinner.

"Do you know that guy Lucius in your year Andi?" Cissy asked dreamily. I knew where this is going I've seen the way she looks at him almost as if she loves him. But I can not stand the guy!

"Yeah why?"

"Well we are finally going out!!! I mean who wouldn't go out with him he's sooooo handsome and caring......" I just tuned my sister out then I couldn't stand when she talks about the guy one time she talked about him to us for 2 hours!?!?!

After 30 minutes Cissy finally finished going on about him I swear she's obsessed with him. I've been debating weather or not I should tell my sisters I wanted to become a death eater for some time now but I've always been scared by what there going to say. But fuck them I can't keep this to myself any longer!

"Umm... I need to tell you both something.....do you think the dark lord will let me become a death eater?"

Andi just sat there in quietness but Cissy started to cry and and hug me. "You can't.....what if you d-die....doing a j-job what if you get caught and go to A-Azkaban..." Cissy said between sobs.

"Cissy I'm not going to die not yet at least you have nothing to worry about" I said while hugging her back. She just nodded her head and she slowly drifted off to sleep. I looked over to were Andi is and I was confused as to why she had a tears on her face while she was sleeping. And with that I fell asleep.....

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