~Chapter 1: In the morning~

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Hi I'm Mackenna, I usually wake up happy in the mornings but something hit me today and I woke up sad but it was like my whole body was numb and I didn't want to get up for school. Eventually I forced myself to get up and get ready for school. I started the day off by having a shower and then got changed and then I had gone down stairs, yea mom could tell there was something wrong "are you ok sweetie?" she said, "yea I'm fine" I said. I ate breakfast and then I went back upstairs to pack my books in my bag so I could be ready for when the bus comes, after I went downstairs and said bye to my mom, dad and my brother and I left, walking towards the bus. "Good morning Mackenna" the bus driver said, "good morning" I said back with a sad tone in my voice. There is something you should know about me I'm 16 and that girl sitting at the back of the bus, Isla, we use to be best friends but I guess people change am I right?.

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