Chapter 1

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Cold, I felt so...cold. I had a stab wound on my stomach, dragging my hands over it I felt a sharp pain, signifying this was not a dream. You cannot feel pain in dreams, especially as vivid as it felt at that moment. Maybe that is why dreams never come true.

Normal humans are meant to feel pain.


"Piper! Piper, wait!" George ran up to me breathing hard through his nose. "Did you expect me not to say goodbye?" That feline smile grew across his face and he threw his arms around me.

"I was waiting for you." It is true. I was walking significantly slower than I usually do, hoping he would come to say something to me.

We were on platform 9 3/4. I was about to go to Hogwarts again after everything that happened. After the war, many students came back to redo their last year, it was required for most people. Except, of course, Harry and Hermione. They were better than most of the professors. I cannot say the same about Ron however...

"You take care of Ginny and Ron alright?" After Fred had- passed, George was overly protective of the rest of his family. He didn't eat for 2 weeks after hearing about Fred, I don't know what he'd do if he lost another.

"You know I will." I let go of his embrace and walked onto the train.

I sat into one of the empty cars and looked out one last time. I could've sat with the other Weasleys but we weren't as close. George threw a gesture that I know Mrs.Weasley wouldn't approve of and laughed as he turned around. It hurt to smile back at him knowing that this was all a lie. We became so close in the few months I knew him. It hurt every time I had to turn my back on him.


"Hey!" Someone slammed into me. That's going to leave a bruise.

"What the hell! I was asleep!" I looked around to realize it was Draco, of all people. None of his friends were in the car with him. Alone. The perfect opportunity to-

"You best not be thinking about that. Your eyes start shining every time you do, you're not very secretive." What a cunt. He really thinks I'd think of him like that.

"I was actually thinking of slitting your throat, maybe I can get my money quickly." His eyes widened when I said that, sadly it was with amusement. He took out his wand.

"Muggles like you have no chance against me, I find it hilarious that you're a so-called assassin. I could kill you right here." He put his wand under my throat, pressing hard onto the middle.

"Or maybe I could do it by hand, though cleaning up might be messy." Next is a knife that he pulls out, turning it over in his hand. He looked my body over, assessing which part is my weakest.

I merely stared at him. I was planning on killing him in his sleep, making it quick for both of us. The Ministry of Magic hired me a few days after the war to kill every last Death Eater that remained alive. Since I was a muggle, they were hesitant, but they quickly saw I could use it to my advantage. No one can sense the magic in my veins. I was invisible. I had to take an elixir every time I needed the magic to be feined. It's been working so far, as I saw with the Weasleys.

Draco and a few other students were last on my list. I had been to his estate multiple times, hiding among the shadows, looking to kill whoever I can. Draco caught me once and I stabbed his leg. He still limped slightly when he walked. I surprised he didn't tell his father. It was nothing like him.

He loosened his grip on his wand, probably thinking I was weak. I laughed, he furrowed his brows, and his wand was in my hand. He seemed almost shocked at how quickly I could do it. I don't think he realizes I've been training since I was 4. Terrible childhood experience, but it helped me immensely.

"What are you gonna do, muggle? Kill me with my wand?" I hated being mocked, but I smiled and broke his wand in half, not breaking eye contact.

His face turned red, despite it always being pale. He grabbed his knife and threw a blow at my neck, right where his wand was a few seconds ago. I blocked, of course, making sure to grab his arm and put it behind his back.

"I am going to warn you Draco, the second we are somewhere alone where I can kill you without causing a scene, you better pray to Merlin I make it quick." It was a little over a whisper, but I was close enough to him that I knew he could hear me well.

"Would anyone like anything from the trolly?" Fuck.

We sat down immediately next to each other when the express lady came in.

"N-No thank-"

"Yes actually, we'll get everything on it." The lady's face dropped and I knew Draco felt prideful from it. He dropped a bag of coins into her hand and started grabbing everything and throwing it onto the seat in front of us.

When she finally left, flustered and blushing, Draco turned to me before leaving.

"Take this as a gift, I truly am sorry for having to kill you." He said. He did sound sorry.


We were finally here. I got off the train and ran to find Hagrid. He knew of the Ministry of Magic hiring me, and he said he would help to make sure I could stay. McGonagall also said she would help, but she hated when people were killed in the school.

There were a few other students other than Draco who had turned their backs onto everyone. All of them were fairly easy game. I already finished one off in the back of the train just before leaving.

I ran to the hut on the edge of the forest and knocked on the door. I needed to stay here during the ceremony so the other students wouldn't get suspicious. I didn't have a Hogwarts house. I was planning on staying here most of the time and walking through the school to see if I have any opportunities. I had to find a certain necklace too, which no one else knew about. This assignment was for me. The necklace belonged to me.

Hagrid opened the door for me, the smells of spices and wood welcomed me in.

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