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Did you know there's someone out there that knows everything about you? He knows your date of birth, your first day of school, even the day you got your dog sparky. He knows everything. And he watches you, until the very end. He is not God, he is not the devil. His name is death.

I'm a typical 16 year old from Canada named Carmen. I do sports, I play the violin, and I have quite a few friends. I am not a bad influence, but I'm also not a good one. I'm not terrible, and I'm not perfect. I am as normal as a girl can be.
My life changed July 8th. the days leading up to this event, I felt constantly watched. Everywhere I went I felt someone's eyes on me, even in my own home. They were there.
On July 8th my parents passed away in a horrific car crash. I'm still trying to cope with the pain. The thing that really gets me is that my parents lived a strong life, how could something so simple take them away?
At the funeral I saw quite a few faces I didn't know, I'm pretty sure my parents didn't know then either. One face did stick out though, a man with long flowing silver hair and a top hat. He looks so familiar, I feel like I've known him for quite sometime now, but I've never met him.
At the end of the ceremony they began to lower my parents coffins into their graves, the pain was too much to handle. I quickly ran off and sat under a tall tree. Tears started to fill my eyes and roll down my cheeks.
Stupid drunk driver, I hope he burns in hell!
I slowly got up and began to punch the tree. Every punch gave me a little bit of relief, like I was punching the man that put me in this situation.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Just then, a gentle hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the man with the silver hair standing behind me. He had a huge grin on his face.
"That tree belongs to Mr. Crevan. You know, they say if you plant a tree on top of a grave, the tree will become the deceased. Hehe."
I looked at him with glossy eyes.
"I-I'm sorry, I just needed to vent."
The man stopped smiling a put his hand under my chin.
"It's ok love, they've gone to a happier place."
I pushed his hand away.
"How do you know? You haven't died yet! What will I do without my parents? I'm not ready to live alone. I don't know what to do." I fell to my knees in saddens, tears started to form again.
"Don't cry my pet. Everything will be alright. If it'll make you feel better, you could stay with me until you feel like your ready to move out ."
I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know the man, but I have no where els to go. I got up and gave him a hug.
"Thank you." I whispered.

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