Chapter Sixty-Three

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The Last Chapter

"R... Ro... Rose, can you hear me?" Josef's voice slowly fades in, causing me to wake up. I groggily sit up and look at everyone surrounding Rosalina and me. "You started to stir awake, was everything okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, it was good. Mom and dad wish that they could see you too, they miss you so much, Josef,"

He smiles with pain in his eyes. "Thanks for letting me know... I wish I could see them but I'm glad to know that they're okay,"

Levi helps my sister up and keeps his hand on her back to help her sit upright. "Did you find out what happened?"

Rosalina nods. "Yeah,"

Levi frowns in response with his eyes stone cold. "So who did this to you? What happened."

She places a hand on his shoulder to put him at ease. "Don't worry, this man can't hurt us anymore... He's dead and my parents didn't tell us his name," She looks over to Eren. "I'm sorry for worrying you earlier, but you don't have to fret anymore,"

Eren's eyes still seem unsure but he sighs. "If you say so..."

• • •

Later, we return to HQ and hold a meeting discussing the plans for capturing the Female Titan. After I was defeated by her, the scouts failed to retrieve her and had to retreat quickly. The seniors tell me that I don't have to attend since it's my first day back still but I insist and sit in. All of the scouts gather in the common hall and formulate the plan to catch her. My sister is the only one not present since she has to look after Sorn.

Hours later when the meeting ends, I look for Eren to leave with him but he quickly rushes out of the room before I can catch up with him. I sigh and cross my arms but then continue to leave as well. When I exit the room, Hanji's screams echo throughout the hallway, startling me. I run to where the sound came from and Levi passes me to find Hanji. When we turn the corner, I find Rosalina, Hanji, and Sorn standing in front of the door to Rosalina's room. Her once long hair has been cut into a bob to frame her face.

"Wh- what?! You cut your hair while we were in the meeting?" I ask.

Rosalina chuckles. "Yeah, since we look so alike, I didn't want to confuse anyone so now it's easier to tell us apart,"

"It looks so good!!" Hanji cheers with glee.

With a smile plastered on her face, Rosalina replies saying, "Thanks, Hanji!"

Sorn tugs at Levi's arm and he glances down at her. "Daddy! Isn't mama pretty?"

Levi looks back up to Rosalina and averts his gaze to the side. "Y-yeah... You look beautiful, Rosalina," He mumbles and tries to cover his reddened face.

Rosalina chuckles and places a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Levi,"

Hanji starts to tease the two of them and Levi fires back at them in annoyance while Rosalina laughs. While I'm amused by the three of them, someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around to see Armin and Mikasa behind me and Armin motions me to step away from the others for a second.

"Hey, Rose, Eren wants you to meet him at the lake," Armin whispers. "Don't be late!"

I gasp and nod. "I won't, thanks for telling me, Armin,"

Before I can run off, Mikasa grabs my arm and I stop in my tracks. "Rose... I'm sorry,"

"... Huh? What're you sorry for?" I inquire. Armin also has a confused look on his face from Mikasa's actions.

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