Chapter One

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Darren opened his eyes finally, breathing the fresh air of the new world. He quickly noticed that his spawn was as amazing as he expected, but it wasn't terrible. He spawned near some reeds which meant he could do some echanting, that is, if he were to find diamonds and obtain obsidian. And spawning near the wall was super comforting. But that didn't mean he was safe.

He opened the tab menu to check out his team. He was on the silver team along with five other people. He wasn't familiar with any of the people on either team, but he assumed they were nice enough.

The count down in chat began. 3...2...1...

Rolling his shoulders and stretching, he pushed himself off the ground and picked the 7 reeds out of the grass. Then he made his way down the hill and towards the cluster of oak trees. With a couple of punches against the wood, the log gave in and he turned it into a crafting bench. He set it to the side then continued taking down the tree with his hands.

It was just the usual tedious work of the beginnings of UHC. The real action happened when he staircased his way down into a cave with multiple tunnels. He'd already crafted himself two stone pickaxes which were going to be useless since the area was packed with iron.

Before he got to mining he covered up all the entrances and carefully lit the area. He forgot his bench out on the surface so he made a new one down here along with a furnace. As he mined he heard the groaning of zombies and the clanking of bones from the skeletons. Even though he was 110% certain that there was no way the mobs could get in, he was still paranoid.


I don't know if it were the nervousness or he heat of he lava that was making me sweat.

"You can still hear me right?," Fea questioned, his voice faint but still audible.

"Yeah!," I hollered, "You found anything yet?"

"Yeah, a couple of gold, enough for two apples, and more iron which I'm smelting right now."

"Awesome. I found some stuff too, I'll bring it up right now."

He responded with an okay, and I spun on my heel, heading back to our temporary base. I still couldn't believe how extremely lucky i was to spawn literally 15 blocks away from Fae. He was my best friend and my only friend on the gold team.

Zenith, who was on the silver team, was the one who introduced me to Fae. She was like the girl version of Fae, but quieter and i actually knew her from real life. And she was also-


I instinctively pulled out my sword and spun around, but before I could actually do anything I was blasted against the rough stone walls of the cave, the jagged rocks ripping through my clothes and stabbing into my back. And I was sure that I was bleeding.

I grabbed the closest thing to me to pull myself to my feet. It turned out to be a stalagmite which created a cut on my palm. "Fuck," I hissed, pulling my hand away.

Finally I heard Fae calling my name, questioning if I was okay over and over again. I could tell he was worried. I grunted, "Y- yeah man," I was low, really low. Like, a mosquitoe bite would kill me.

"I have the golden apples already made, I'm coming down right now," And I could here his hurried footsteps above me.

Despite my fuzzy vision I could see a zombie nearing me. Shit, shit, shit. I felt for my sword on the ground but there was nothing there. The growling got louder. I shut my eyes, feeling pathetic but ready to die.

The rotten fingers of the zombies coiled around my collar, lifting me from the ground. Oh god, was all I could think when I could smell the foul scent of the zombie. I was on the brink of throwing up.

The zombie gave a choked shriek suddenly. My eyes flew open to find an iron sword, covered in crimson blood and rooting flesh, inches from my face. The sword protruded from the back of the zombies mouth. It was quickly withdrawn though, and the rotten body feel to his feet, a pool of blood collecting on the gray stone.

Disgusted, I looked up at Fae who sheathed his swords and handed me the gleaming golden apples. I gobbled them down without any hesitation and felt fresh. From 2 and a half hearts to 6 and a half. Nice, but it was still pretty bad though. I was now the lowest of all the guys.

This made me an easy target.


To whoever is reading this: PM me if you are willing to beta this story. I would love if you could help me out C:


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