The First Night - 18

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“Shush, I can hear something.”

Abigail freezes, one hand on Oswin’s arm.  The older girl stops, slightly confused. How anybody can hear anything here is a miracle; it’s so crowded with vegetation that almost all sound must be muffled. She can barely hear the pages of her book rustling as she holds it close. “I didn’t hear...”  

Abigail rounds on her, expression surprisingly fierce for a girl of twelve. “Shut up!" she snaps, "I’m telling you, there’s someone here!”

Something close to fear creeps up Oswin’s back, and she’s ridiculously glad that Abigail is here. It’s so eerie, not being able to see anything beyond a few metres. The vines are so thick that they block out any of the evening light, and it’s almost impossible to see through them. Abigail could be right. They could be about to die.  The younger girl is rummaging in the small backpack she’d managed to grab before fleeing the carnage at the Cornucopia.  Oswin peers over her shoulder, wondering what she’s got hidden inside.

A warm light suddenly flares up.  Oswin takes a step back in surprise.

“Is that meant to be a cow?”

The light blinks off again as Abigail turns on Oswin.

“What part of shut the hell up can you not understand?” she hisses.  Oswin blinks, taken aback.  This isn’t how most twelve year olds she knows act. She’s about to snap something about respect, but then she hears it.

A small shuffling noise behind the vines.

Abigail is clutching something in her hand, shaking badly. She looks terrified in the half-light, even though she’s trying to look brave. She can’t even think to complain when Oswin gently takes the knife off her, pressing a finger to her lips. Obviously she thinks she’s in charge here.

Oswin has no idea if she’s in charge or not. The knife feels dull and heavy with some kind of malignant responsibility, but she still turns towards the noise with it pointed in front of her and her blank face on, the face she used back home whenever the Peacekeepers were being free with the whips again.

Presumably trying to be helpful, Abigail clicks the light on, and a figure lurches up out of the vines.  Abigail lets out a little squeak and scuttles backwards so Oswin and the knife are between the two parties.

“Who’s that?” demands Oswin.  Her voice wobbles, and she clears it roughly.

“Benji.  Are you going to kill me?” The voice is shaking, the words slipping through chattering teeth. He step out from behind the vines. There’s nowhere to run, a wall at his back, and a knife at his front.  

Oswin narrows her eyes, taking the boy in.  He’s small, and clearly terrified.  And sopping wet.

“What happened to you?” she demands, more roughly than she meant to. Something about him looks so defenseless, the dishwater blonde hair dripping limply over his forehead. And he’s unarmed.

“I...I fell in the river,” he explains, and then, seeing that they’re not going to kill him, “Well, what do you think? I just decided to go for a swim?”

A flicker of a smile crosses Oswin’s face. He might be young, compared to her at least, but he’s got the same kind of spirit as Abigail, the sort that will grow to see just how wrong this whole thing is. If given the chance.

She holds out a hand.

“Allies, then?  You help us find water, we’ll take care of you for now.  Deal?”

Benji hesitates for a moment.  It’s not the most likely alliance, but it’s probably his only chance.


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