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So you wanna be a blader kid? Well, before you do that; you need to learn the basics of the game!

Well, allow me to teach you my friend. It's all about the blader's spirit, but there are a few tips and tricks that can help you.

~* Bey Types *~

There are 4 types of beys in this universe, each with unique qualities about them. Keep these in mind however, you're going to learn some nice facts.

Attack ~ Beys that are attack types are known for their natural speed, agility, and force. An Attack Type Bey can strike hard and aggressively, but with all that speed and brute power; it lacks defensive prowess.

Stamina ~ Stamina beys, like their name suggests; are nimble and can easily keep up their spin when undisturbed. They can also dodge many attacks with ease, don't underestimate these masters of their spin cycle. Though they are nimble, they aren't strong or defensive; relying on their speed and reflexes to dodge attacks.

Defense ~ These beys can take quite a few hits before being knocked out. They tend to enjoy being in a stationary spot rather than going all out in battle. Their sturdyness makes them slower than the previous two, but that just means they can stand stronger in battle. Though because they lack speed, their attacks are much easier to dodge.

Balace ~ A nice blend of all 3 if you can't pick one. These beys have the strength, speed and defense to take on any challenge without issue. Well balanced stats, like their name suggest, makes them the toughest beys to beat. But remember, a balance bey doesn't specialize in any specific stat.

Some beys have advantages over each other. They beyblade advantage triangle is this.

Attack < Defense < Stamina < Attack

Defense Beats Attack, Stamina Beats Defense, Attack Beats Stamina.

Balance can take on all three, it has no weaknesses or resistances.


Now that you have the idea of what Beys are, let's talk about battling.

~* Bey Battles *~

The only thing you have to do is ready your bey, say with your opponent; "3,2,1 Let it Rip!" Then launch your bey into the stadium.

To win, you must force your opponent to stop spinning in a survival round, or knock them into a stadium out.

You simply just have your beys clash and you command them what to do, that's it. But be careful and watch your own stamina, you need to strategize as well.


Here's the last section you need to know about. Bey spirits and Special Moves.

~* Special Moves *~

Every blader has perfected their own special move, a move that represents their bond with their bey the best. Whether it's a charge, or using the elements around you to attack; each bey has a unique special move it can use, even multiple!

~* Bey Spirits *~

Creatures live inside our toys and come out in intense battles, these are bey spirits. They are manifestations of your bey and take the forms of animals, mythical creatures, or people of legend; sometimes even items!

A bey spirit is shared by the blader and the bey itself, a bey needs your energy to manifest it's bey spirit, and your energy comes from how much heart you put into the battle.


Now that you got the idea of bey battling, it's time for you to get ready. 

Say it with me now, LET IT RIP!

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