Hardin is that you! chapter one

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Tessa POV

Hi I'm Tessa Young and this is my story well- our story. See i used to date Hardin Scott but we broke up:

Flashback  narrator POV

CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE HE IS Tessa yelled at a random man Hardin knows. Look lil lady I tell you alright if you YELLING AT ME GOD DAMMIT he screamed back. She was startled  but she wasn't going let that show. Ok  she said. Ok he said. But what he told he made her furious.

Present Tessa POV

I'm getting  engaged  to the love of my Trevor Matthews  so therefore  I will be a Mathew  in two weeks ( or so she thought).  I've be in love with trevor ever since he saved me from being raped. He told me his wanted me he wanted to start a family and I was excited and said yes.

He was so excited he picked threw me over the shoulder and ran to the room where are clothes were be distributed as we made it to the room he threw me on the bed and started attacking  my neck with kisses. I was moaning softly I felt him smirked  against  my skin. Then well u know.

Smut over:
I woke up to my phone going off and it was my manger.(she's a model)

Phone convo:


T: ok ok calm down im omw.

End of phone convo:

I hung up and did my face routine when Trevor walk in.

Tr: good morning babe where you going?

Te: good morning im going to work.

Tr: see ya babe

And with that i was off.

                            20 min skip

I get there and see someone i thought id never see again........

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