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Hi. So, this book was mainly used to just dump school work from my second school. The two stories I did were for my English class and History. Bet you can't guess which story is which. 

I changed schools in Y9 to a more suited school for my needs. At this school, I didn't receive homework hence why this story was never really updated.  

This does not mean I will never ever publish another short story. I do plan on using this book as a space to practise writing. Whether that be a short 500 words or 5000. I do intend on this plan when I need to.  

At this moment in time, I am currently working on my own original story that won't be published on Wattpad. But I do have hope it will published traditionally as it is my dream to be an author. That, however, is a long time away. 

In the mean time, if you want to read more from me, I have a Percy Jackson fanfiction published on this profile called Gnossienne. 

The first book is completed and the second should be up soon enough when i get around to editing it which won't be long. 

The story follows Cassandra Jackson throughout the PJO series. I do have plans to carry the series through to Heroes of Olympus, but only time will tell at this moment as i need to take more time to work on my original story. 

So, if you are interested in Percy Jackson feel free to check out Gnossienne and let me know what you think. 

To be honest, this whole update has been a self-promo, but oh well. Anyhow, I got to get back to writing my OG story. It is still in the first draft and it is kicking my arse. Wish me luck. 

I hope you're all having a wonderful day and if not, I hope tomorrow treats you better. 


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