Chapter 4 |Christmas Special| (takes before chapter 1-3)

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Joe sighed as he threw on his ugly sweater. Today was the school's yearly secret Santa. He'd gotten Trump ironically,his rival. He grabbed the present he'd bought. It was a McDonalds' gift card wrapped thrown into a box with a stuffed lion. He didn't know why he chose a lion he just felt it fit Donnie. Biden quickly walked out of the door and grabbed his blue backpack.

"Hey Joey." Hillary smiled. "Hello Hills." He beamed. "So what'd you get old Donnie boy?" "A stuffed lion and a McDonalds' card." She gave a thumbs up,"I got Sanders a anime boy body pillow." Hillary said lifting a gift which was wrapped in green wrapping paper.

Meanwhile Donald was dealing with other things.

"Donald I-I-I-" Ben stammered. "Well spit it out. I have things to do and places to be." Donald growled,his saliva landing on Shapiro. Ben blushed. "I-I love you so much! And I want to spend the rest of my life with you!!" He gushed. "Wh-what? Ben don't get me wrong you're a nice guy n all but I don't swing that way." He lied through his teeth.  The truth was that he was crushing on another as we all know. Ben's brown orbs spilled of blue liquids,"D-Donald senpai! Please!!" Donald rolled his eyes(though feeling pity) and started getting to class knowing he had the secret Santa.

Back with Joe he was living a peaceful life in the classroom watching everyone give gifts to each other. He hummed waiting for trump to endure the class. Donald soon walked in and Biden immediately got up and handed him the bag with the lion and card. Donald smirked and opened it. His face went a dark orange as he glanced in the bag. "T-thank you Biden. Can we speak in the bathroom?" Joe being a people pleaser said yes and the two walked to the restrooms.

As soon the pair got there Joe asked,"So what did you need Donald?" "A kiss." He winked and kissed him on the lips. Joe felt his lips give into the kiss. "T-tru-" he was soon cut off by another kiss his hips being pulled into the others. Due to the bell Donald stoped and just walked out of the bathroom while Biden was left,a stuttering mess.

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