As The Storm Roles In

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Mom had said to stay inside all day, she wouldn't give me a reason, but it did have me cirouse of why.  I did listen of course since we just moved here a week ago, yet I still don't know much about my new place to call home.  

   I sighed softly as I turned on the TV, I didn't really understand what they were talking about, but I knew it wasn't good by the way they were saying things about the weather. 

After awhile I had gotten up and got dressed in a pretty and long dress the flows in the wind when it goes by, then I went into the kitchen, mom had the weather radio on, it kept listing a bunch of places  and talking about high winds and hale, "what is the weather we are going to get?" I asked myself, then looked out the window. "nothing is out there, it's still bright and sunny."  My mom who was now standing next to me, pat my head and said. "Just because you can't see it yet, doesn't mean there is nothing out there." I looked at her and smiled then looked out a few other windows, soon I had noticed some dark clouds out the corner of my eye and that the wind had picked up. 

I had watched the clouds out the window for what seemed like hours but in all reality it was just a few minutes, I was beginning to see lightning flash but no thunder came after it. I have never been more excited to see a storm role in like this, then again I want to view it from outside to get a better look and understanding of why mom wants me in the house so bad.

I had moved away from the windows once I had heard the distant sound of thunder echo throughout the clouds, my mother wasn't around either maybe she was watching it on the TV. So I  went to the door and opened it making my way outside and ran towards the back of the house where I had saw the dark clouds once before. 

As I watched the clouds as the wind had picked up more causing the skirt of my dress and my hair to flow with the wind when it went by, it felt warm and cold all at the same time, but then that's when I saw a wall like cloud, I have never seen anything like it before as I stared and watched it in awe. It almost caused me to miss a cone like shape that was also taking form in the clouds and spinning , it was so mesmerizing to watch as nature took its true form right in front of me. I stood there and watched as the wind got stronger and even after the cone of clouds touched the ground. I noticed that it wasn't moving like it was stuck in place, yet it looked like it was getting closer, the sound it made was a content roar mixed with a train but I wasn't scared, I felt like I  could watch all day as I watched it in the open field, I began to hear sirens but I ignored them what I was watching before me was so intriguing, I felt like if I looked away I would miss something. 

When it started to get closer, I felt my dress be pulled in the direction of the swirling mass of wind and that's when I knew it was time to find shelter, I went all the way around my house and opened up the storm seller and got in. Once I was in I looked around and saw that my mother wasn't inside I began to worry and wonder if she went looking for me, then suddenly the door flew open and I saw my mom, she looked relieved to see me as she got in the storm shelter with me and hugged me close after she locked the door from the inside, the she asked me. "Where have you been, I told you the outside was dangerous, I thought the tornado might have sucked you up."  I looked at her confused by the word she used and said. "I'm sorry, mom I just wanted to see the clouds, I didn't know that was a tornado." she hugged me closer and I hugged her back, I never once thought that I could die, it never even crossed my mind that I was in harms way. 

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