Drunk in Love

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"I don't even know any of these people here." 

I glance around the room full of moving bodies and try to pick out a familiar face, failing every time.

"I do." Magnus replies, sounding bitter. 

He lifts a glass of pink liquid to his scowling lips and I sigh. I've lost count of how many drinks he's had and it's only the start of the night. 

"Magnus, take it easy on the drinks. They may look pink and sweet, but they're not so innocent."

"Oh relax I'm not going to get drunk." 

I doubted that. I could already hear an edge to his tone. I purse my lips and look around the room once more.

"What's making you so tense and worried that you have to drink it away? I thought no one could get to Magnus Bane like that."

"First of all I'm not drinking it away. And secondly, it's half of the damn people in this room. It seems like every Downworlder or Shadowhunter I've had issues with over my lifetime, which is a lot, decided to show up here. A group of Faerie girls keep glaring at me like they want to beat me up and I think I caught a werewolf trying to sneak something into my drink."

"Honestly Magnus, I'm sure you're just overreacting. Let's go talk to those Faeries." 

Magnus begins to protest but I taking his arm, dragging him away. I hold back my disapproval as I watch him grab another drink and stop walking when we reach the group of Faerie's sitting around a table, each of them wearing so many different colours that it made even Magnus look bland. I flash them a charming smile and introduce myself.

"Hello ladies. My name's Finnick."

I reach out my hand to a Faerie with pink flowers threaded throughout her auburn hair, but she's too busy glaring at Magnus to notice it. Instead the girl sitting beside her shakes it, her slender, carefully manicured fingers feeling even smaller in mine. 

"Hello Finnick." She says slowly, a smirk on her face. "I'm Amber." 

Amber bites her lip as she looks me up and down and I see Magnus rolling his eyes with jealousy. The glaring Faerie picks up on this and shakes her head.

"He's your boyfriend, isn't he Magnus? Ugh I knew it." She spits.

"Why are you so jealous? It happened years ago, get over it Nissa!" Magnus says, and I have to place a hand on his back to try and calm him down.

"We were in love!" The distressed fairy exclaims, furrowing up her glittering face.

"No we weren't." Magnus scoffed. "I danced with you once at a party out of kindness and then you stalked for me weeks saying that you wanted to plan our wedding."

I try hard not to laugh at the ridiculous situation and hope that Magnus won't lose his cool. Instead, it's Nissa that breaks down.

"How could you throw away our love like that?" She sobs, tears spilling from her eyes and smudging her gold makeup.

Magnus calls her a psychopath and I watch as a fairy dressed in purple comforts the crying Nissa, stroking her hair and whispering words of reassurance. I decide that I need to get Magnus out of this situation so I loop my arm through his and avoid the jealous glares from Nissa.

"I'm sorry ladies but we should get going now."

Magnus sighs and sets his empty glass down on the table, a little too hard and I worry for a second that it will break.

"It was nice to meet you Amber." I say as I pull Magnus away, hoping that he won't notice her winking at me. 

Once we've gotten far enough away from the Faeries I let go of Magnus and turn to look at him, raising an eyebrow.

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