Dabi/touya todoroki... 😭

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I'm going to cry, I'm so sorry for what I did to Dabi . Also yes he is nude, do you really think his clothes could stand that hot of heat under them???

The black parts on his skin is 3derge burns.

Also also this is as he is battling endevour after he exposed him and came out as touya

Dabi was about to use his father's out attack against him when his own flames covered his body, melting/burning away his clothes

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Dabi was about to use his father's out attack against him when his own flames covered his body, melting/burning away his clothes.  The look on his face was just like that day, pure terror and pain, he cried blood as he couldn't cry normal tears, but those to evaporated.

Dabi's bright blue eyes looked up at his father as he fell to his knees.

This was all on the news, so Rei could be watching from the hospital, natsou and shoto from school and fuyumi from work.

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