all again

628 26 30

frozen in time
but in my mind there's no erasing you
i toss and i turn
its gonna hurt no matter what i do

"...and I said yes."

The soft spoken words coming through her computer speakers are drowned out by the blood rushing through her ears, and suddenly she feels like she can't breathe.


She said yes.

But not to her.

No, not to Lauren.

No, to... she can't even think of his name without wanting to vomit whatever was left of the breakfast she had that morning.

She's pulled out of her stupor by Dinah's loud, exuberant and excited voice and forces an enthusiastic smile onto her lips, joining the chorus of 'congratulations' coming from the group FaceTime call.

She finds herself faking the smile on her lips until she clicks out of the call and slowly shuts her computer. It gradually disappears as she catches her reflection in the mirror, green eyes looking back at her reflecting the hollowness she felt deep in her chest.

i'm trembling inside, no, i can't stop myself from shaking

Her phone buzzes with an incoming text and she forces herself to look at the screen as a second and then third message comes in.

She swipes the first one from manibear open.

manibear: u ok?

lauren: im ok, dont worry

even though i, i know you'd take my heart and break it
you'd break it

She takes a moment before she opens the next one, staring at the contact name in their group chat and taking a deep breath before tapping on it.

camz🤍: i totally forgot to ask you guys before the call cut off kadhjflgj
camz🤍: but i wanted to see if you'd all be my bridesmaids(:

lauren: there's nothing that would make me happier camz :)

She lies both times.

but every kiss and every breathless moment
(i'd do it all again)
trying to make it right but i know it'll all go wrong
(i'd do it all again)

"I'm fine."

Normani rolls her eyes, leaning back against the wooden booth of the coffee shop they're sat at as she stares at Lauren with a deadpan look.

Lauren refuses to meet her eyes as she takes her time stirring in the two sugars she put in her coffee, taking a sip and contemplating if it needs one more.

"Lo, you can't lie to me," Normani disputes, bumping her foot against the pale girls underneath the table. "Your eyes give you away." Concern shines in her eyes as she tries to catch Lauren's but failing to do so as the younger girl avoids looking at her.

Deciding it needs another sugar, Lauren picks up a third packet as she rolls her eyes, shaking it to get all the sugar to the bottom before tearing it open and dumping it into her drink. "You're delusional."

Brown eyes soften and Normani leans forward, stilling Lauren's hand with her own, finally meeting her eyes that were once a vibrant green but were now a stormy gray. "It's okay if you're not. I'd be worried if you weren't upset,"

but every kiss & every breathless moment (i'd do it again)Where stories live. Discover now