Chapter 1: Kayla

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"Honey, you need to wake up your going to be late!" My mom calls from down stairs.

This just makes me shuffle in my bed even more. I hate starting in new schools.

Today I start at a new school half way through the year, as usual my family can't settle down anywhere. I've lived in 3 different states already because my mom simply got bored of living there, and of course my father lives by the moto "your wish is my command".

Finally after 5 minutes of contemplating if I should play sick, I get out of bed and get ready. I've went to 5 different high schools and every first day of school my outfits just get even more lazier because I simply stoped caring what people thought.

I throw on a pair of black ripped jeans and a gray hoodie, that I bet hasn't been washed in forever, with my white vans. Basic, I know but so is every other girl if they like to admit it or not. I brush my hair and put it in a bun.

As I go down stairs my sister and brother run past me in a hurry.

"Why are you guys running this early for?" I say In a tired voice.

"It's the first day of school!" They shout in unison.
Of course they are happy to start at a new school, for them it's just another adventure.

"Kayla can u get the twins in the car please? I need to go say good bye to your father. Oh! And tell your brother to hurry up we're about to leave."

" why can't you take the twins to school and I take Kaleb to school?"

" Because Kayla it's tradition for me to drop you off ur first day. Now go."

"Fine." I say grabbing the twins and walking toward the garage.

Once the twins are in the car I go and get Kaleb.

"Why the heck are you still in bed are you dumb or something?" I say

"Ughhh. Why do we have to move so much I can't keep a single friend and now I'm forced to make more just so I can lose them again?" Kaleb says angrily.

" you and me brother, you and me. Now get up let's go, you don't want to be late for your first second day of freshman year." I say walking out of his room.

This is the exact reason I stoped making friends I knew there was no point if we just kept moving. I'm going to die a lonely cat lady. And I don't even like cats.

I walk into the school office and go to the secretary.
"How can i help you?" She says in a bored voice.

"Uh hi I'm Kayla I'm new here, can I get my schedule?" I say nervously.
Why the heck am I nervous. I'm never nervous.

"Kayla right? Ok well, your first period is English. Go up the stairs and turn left and the room is on your right. If you need any help with your schedule just ask a friend "

Funny. She assumes I have friends here. She made no sense at all but I just nod and say thanks as take the paper and I walk out.

After what took forever to find my first period. I walk into the class room and everyone goes silent.

" Hi!!! You must be the new girl! Kayla right?" The teacher says all happily.

" uh yea that's me." I say quietly.

" ok ok great! Take a seat wherever and we can get started back up again."

As I looked around the only available seat is at the back. As I take a seat someone says something next to me.

"Hi I'm Cheyenne." The girl says.

"I'm Kayla"

"Cool, this class is super easy but if you need anything just ask me I got you." Cheyenne says.

I nod in silent approval of her. I like her she seems cool. But best not get attached because I'll only end up leaving again.

As im think about how me and this girl could possibly be friends, a guy walks in.

" You're late Mr. Walker."

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