Part 26 : Under The Rain

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I asked everyone I saw about him, if they knew were he is. I was running around like a crazy girl.

And then I found him. Standing. In front of the school gates. Getting ready to leave.

It was raining. And time froze I couldn't move as he was waiting for his cab. I wanted to run to him and tell him all the things inside me but I couldn't move.

The rain it was stopping me, each raindrop is the drop that kissed his skin in those days that we were together, me and him . Each one is the same because they sing of these such treasured memories, of the comforting love that remains and the hopes I hold for your future. And so, I love the rain better than photographs, for each one is a perfect moment.

After a tear fell down I snapped out of it and realized he was getting in the cab I ran towards him , I ran like I've never ran before , I shouted his name as loud as I could , but the cab kept on going . I fell on the floor , in the middle of the rain , tears were falling down my face , I screamed his name so freaking loud , and that's when the car stopped . He got out, I stood up and we ran toward each other.

I jumped on him, I looked into his deep brown eyes when he finally kisses my mouth, everything goes oddly quiet, like the moment of silence between lightning and thunder. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi. Four Mississippi. Five Mississippi.


We kiss again. The next kiss is the kind that breaks open the sky. It steals my breath and gives it back. It shows me that every other kiss I’ve had in my life has been wrong.

"i LOVE you Kim Taehyung" I said as he was putting me down. "you don't have to say it right now, take your tim-".

"I LOVE you too y/n!".

I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine.

What’s gotten into me? Now I really can’t breathe. A situation made worse by the lips that are suddenly pressing

into mine.

Our tongues have fallen madly in love and gotten married and moved to Paris.

After I’m sure I’ve made up for all my former years of useless kisses , I say “I think if we don’t stop kissing, the world is going to explode.”

“Seems like it,” he whispers giggling.

We got back inside and went straight to the bathrooms before anyone sees us, we showered (not together of course , yh I'm talking to you, you know yourself.) and we went back to our secret room. I guess none of us was ready to face the others.

We decided to stay here for I while and I felt like I needed to apologize so I said "Listen,  I know sometimes I’m a little bit of a disappointment. I rarely know what I want or think before I act. Still, I want you to know that in a lifetime of rushed decisions, wrong turns and spectacular messes, you’re the first thing that’s felt right.”

"y/n you're the most real thing I have ever had with anyone, and you're never a disappointment! Now get here" he hugged me and we stayed like this for a while.

                               * * *
No one's pov :

Meanwhile, when everything was happening with y/n and Tae, this is what happend with the boys.

It was already dark outside and it was raining so they moved the tents to the gym. Y/n ran after Tae and both of them were nowhere to be found.

Jimin, Namjoon , Hoseok and Mark were standing  by their tents , chatting.

"So that’s how i ended up locked at the supermarket and i had to spend the night there" said Hoseok.

"Damn that was one hell of a story,hope" Mark replied.

"I know right! It was crazy" Hoseok said.

"Definitely..." Namjoon said.

Then an awkward silence took over the  place so Mark decided to say something and break the tense atmosphere.

"Can you believe Taehyung was jealous of my friendship with y/n" he said with a low chuckle.

"Uhh...yeah you two were kinda like really uncomfortably close" Jimin said.

"I mean duh, we’re besties!" Mark replied.

"Plus , I’m into men" he continued,completely unbothered by the fact that he just came out.

Namjoon choked on his saliva and the other two just gasped softly.

"Y-you’re what?" Namjoon asked.

"What?you’ve never heard of a gay person before?" Mark said raising an eyebrow.

"N-no i just never thought you would be" Namjoon replied.

At that moment Sara came towards the boys, panting ,and Jungkook followed along.

Sara’s hair was messed up and her lipstick was smudged , Jungkook’s tie was undid and his shirt was halfway unbuttoned.

Mark looked suspiciously at the two then he burst out laughing.
"W-what" Sara said.

"Nothing don’t worry about it Sara" Jimin said and started laughing along with Mark .

Jungkook blushed and whispered something in Sara's ear. She looked down and ran to the bathroom.
Namjoon couldn’t take it anymore and he started laughing uncontrollably. Jungkook was starting to get annoyed so he started whining and asked them to stop.

"Sorry" Hoseok said choking unable to keep his laughter in. Jungkook ran away in embarrassment "y’all are cute tho!" Hoseok yelled from a distance still laughing at the silliness of the Situation .

After Sara and Jungkook fixed them selves up they went back and they were all laughing together.

But then Sara pointed out that they should be searching for the two missing love birds, but at that exact moment two people holding each other's hand walked toward them and said "we're here!"


1) this is my second favorite character.
3) I felt a bit cheezy and cringe in this chap but it's okay! Who doesn't like a bit of cringe😂💜

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