Power of love

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Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Yet one thing I know is that love is the most amazing thing in our lives. It is what makes us evolve and what makes life worth living. It may sound cliché to say that love heals all wounds; or to talk about the healing power of love, yet these statements somewhat have a true meaning behind it. True love makes us feel accepted, secured, valued, it touches our hearts, and it inspires us. It gives us courage to never be ashamed of who we are.

As love is so powerful in every sense and has its significant positive impact on our well-being, yet it is still a double edged sword. It can make us win or it can make us lose. It can break us and rip-our souls apart. Love is like a sea it looks magical when you look from it's shore. You enjoy it's fifty shades of blue and you get mesmerized by its vastness, the aromatic sea air and the fresh air touching your face and blowing through your hair all of which captivate our senses. Until this moment when we start to dip down deep and the current starts to take full control, we then lose the beauty and we are only stuck with it's pain,struggle, and abuse.
In conclusion, I believe in love because love can change everything.......Love is a powerful inner feeling and it also has a strong meaning. When we love we need to float on top of the water to enjoy its beauty. Enjoy the love that uplifts you, empower you and fulfill you. love changes us, not entirely, but in a way that awakens our souls and fills our hearts with happiness, delight and glee. Let love glamorize your soul don't make it strangle it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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