Chapter Two: Until You Come Home To Me

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Wounds eventually heal through the magic of time.  But it leaves a scar--a constant reminder of from where or when a person has gotten the wound.  In the case of Charles, the scar of his seemingly distant painful memory is too much to bear that it became an option to erase it completely.  Void of traces.  Void of reminders.  

Yet, standing in front of Mrs. Carmina Tan and Mr. Hugo Tan is the one variable that could bring it all back.  Shocked and disbelieving, they barely uttered his name, "Gavin?"

Gavin smiled, his heart welling up with happiness, reluctance, and hope.  He feels as if feelings would explode.  

"Hi there, Mr. and Mrs. Tan."

Charles's parents almost tripped when they embraced Gavin--then a helpless, orphan boy; now, a tall, handsome man standing proudly and independent.



They asked when they finally let go.

Gavin told them the story of their escape and every event preceding that.  What he had done, whom he had met, and the promise that was made which led him back to where it all started.  

"So, where is he?" he finally asked after telling his story.

Carmina and Hugo glanced at each other and their mood became sullen, almost ashamed.  Carmina held the young man's hand, caressing it.  She began to tell the most painful years Charles had to endure following his and Gavin's traumatic incident.

"Two days after the news of your kidnapping incident was reported nationwide, Charles was found unconscious on a roadside with a minor gash on his leg.  Just yards away from the dense forest of Sitio Sabang in Pangasinan.  An unknown caller tipped the authorities that he might be there.  Until now, we don't know the identity of the mysterious caller.  But if it wasn't for that person, my baby wouldn't have been brought back home to me.

"But then, his nightmares began.  Every night after his rescue, we would be awakened from his screams and wails.  Every night, he would yell your name with this anguish bellowing from deep within him."

Carmina stopped.  Wiping the tears streaming down her eyes.  Trying to be strong as she relives the darkest moments of her son.

"Finally, we decided to consult a psychologist.  The doctor said that Charles's night terrors are an effect of his trauma from the kidnapping but it is so much more.  She said...she said..."

"She said our son is feeling a mixture of tremendous guilt and loss.  Because of you." Hugo sternly but carefully continued when his wife couldn't build the courage to do so.

Feeling a mixture of tremendous guilt and loss.  Gavin repeated in his mind.  Trying to connect the pieces of the puzzle.  

Because of me?

And then it hit him.  He looked at Carmina and Hugo--the persons who showed him the love of a parent when he was too vulnerable to know it.  

"You erased me from his memories." Gavin heavily uttered.

"You have to understand Gavin.  We're parents.  And we would do anything to ease our son's pain.  Even if it meant--

"I understand.  The happiest memory is the most painful one." Gavin replied before Hugo could complete his explanation.

Surprisingly, he does understand their actions.  One has to make sacrifices for the one they love.

"But we were wrong." Carmina suddenly said.  "Yes, after the hypnotism and repressive procedures, his night terrors had banished.  But the heart doesn't forget, Gavin.  He may have no memory of you, but you are still living in the deepest corners of his heart.

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