Cast and whatnot

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I'm using Dove Cameron for Kinsley Beck. (Wearing for this and parts of next outfit ⬆️)
Noah Beck as himself
All Hype House and Sway House as themselves
Bothe Kinsley and Noah are 19
Charli D'melio is your bestie and the only one to know about other than Dixie of course.
Noah and Dixie are dating in this along with Kouvor and Alex, Bryce and Addison, Charli and Chase, and you are single. I'm deciding on love interests and enemy's I'm open for suggestions. Okay here is your back story.


Noah and I are twins and really close. I live in LA with Heidi and Marc D'melio. Of course Charli too. Dixie moved out into her new apartment thing and I even have my own room there! I love being so close to them and Noah even though I miss Arizona so much. I'm bored so I text Noah.

My Broooooo

You-Sorry did I catch you in a bad time brother
Noah-Nah I'm just bored
You-Same. Wanna hang?
You-Yay!!!!!!!   See you soon at Sway!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of texts

I pack a little bag in case I stay the night at Dixies because it's closer to Sway. I get in my car and play my playlist. Be Happy comes on and I sing word for word. Once I get to Sway I park my car a house down and go the back way. No one knows about me. They only know about my two sisters and Noah of course. Once I get inside a boy with black hair and Nike clothes on just sit there and look in amazement. He yells "GUYS WE GOT A GORL IN OUR HOUSE I DONT KNOW!" Everyone rushes over including Noah and as soon as he saw me he palms his hand into his head.
K-hey Bro
N-I told you to WAIT for Dix!
K-sorry jeez you ass
Everyone looked confused and Noah says.
N-this is my big sister by 5 minutes Kinsley.
They introduce themselves. We all talk until Dix and Char come in. They see me with the boys and get wide eyed. The boys tried to introduce me not knowing we are besties and we play along. 
Bryce-this is Charli Kinsley and Kinsley Charli.
Noah laughs and Dixie joins in. We then start laughing.
K-Char they caught me coming in
C-oh snap
N-yeah I told her to WAIT but she has no patience I swear.
K-I'm right here. I could still beat you up
N-sure you could sweetie
K- I could. Volleyball training is hard work. Playing is hard too. It makes you strong and tough unlike you.
D-yeah she would totally win!
The boys are silently sitting eating the food we got.
We go outside and I pin and ground him I put him into a choke hold and wait till he taps. When he does I laugh.
K-wimp and a simp
Josh-hey that rhymes
C-duh it's the joke dummy
Everyone laughs.

I'm so bored.
I kinda like the start of this.
Give me some ideas pls?
I'm brain dead
Also I don't know much about wrestling or whatnot sooooo yeah
Okayyyyy bye
Also I might do a face reveal!

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