Chapter 1

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"We're is Madilysse!" My boss yelled.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I was gasping for air as my red curls got in the way of my amber colored eyes. I used my French tipped nails to move the hair out of the way.

"Your late" he said tapping his foot on the ground. His suit did looked serious. I knew they were having an interview soon. I had to do his hair, make up, and wardrobe.

"I know, it's my first time being late and it only been 5 minutes." I said putting my bag on the table and taking out my iced tea bottle.

I got hot and slid off my fuzzy jacket. Revealing my black pencil skirt, silky red blouse, and my 2 inch back heels. Don't forget my gold heart neckalace.

"We'll you could have had his outfit picked out already. But never mind that now, you have about 15 minutes to set up." He said walking away.

I walked away as well an into his dressing room. I put my bag down in the ground and hung my jacket at the rack. Then I pulled out my make up kit and set it on the table with the mirror in front of it. I went over to the rack of clothes. All of which I looked at a thousand times.

I knew what I wanted to get him so I walked right over to it. I picked up the light blue top and his khakis. I got his white Nike high tops. I hung the clothes on the back of the chair. I grabbed my spray bottle because last time I looked at his hair, was a while ago and I'm sure he needed a trim.

I filled the bottle with warm water and set it down next to my scissors and comb. I pulled out the spiny chair, ready for him to sit in it. I pulled out the purple hair drier to dry his hair after I wet it. I got out his hair dye just in case.

I sat their for a minute flipping through a magazine. When I heard a knock on the door. I went up to it and opened it.

"For the millionth time Niall, you don't need to knock. Just walk in, I'm always ready." I just laughed a bit. While I looked at his sweat pants and hoodie.

"Sorry, I keep forgetting." He said and smiled back at me. I move aside for him to enter. He gladly did and sat down in the comfy black seat.

"I think you need a trim." I said swinging the black tarp around him and strapping it at the back of his neck.

"Yeah, it getting crazy" he runs his fingers through his blonde hair.

"Yeah, this water isn't cold. I know you gate it when it's cold." I smiled as I sprayed it in his hair, flattening the not so fluffy hair.

"Thank Lyss" he smiled into the mirror at me.

I spun his chair around so it was facing me. I comb through his hair a bit. I grabbed my scissors and trimmed about half an inch off. Then I went to the sides.

"Want the sides a bit shorter or the same?" I asked about to cut the hair but deciding to ask first, since its not my head.

"Umm, just keep it simple and me." He said not really caring that much.

So I decided to keep it the same since he was looking for simple. When I finished, I was gonna let it air dry for a few minutes while he changes. I took the tarp off of him and he stood up.

"Here are the clothes I picked out for today. Wear them nice an wear them good. Oh and no wrestling outside in the mud again, that was a pain in my ass" I said remembering how hard it was to get out those stains last time.

"Your ass or mine? I got beat tithe ground by every single one of them! It wasn't fun. And sorry for the stains." He takes the nice clothes I had in my hands and went to the corner to change.

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