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When Tommy has nightmares, he's tossing and turning until he wakes you up. You're starting to get used to this since he gets them often. Most of the time you hug him in your semi-conscious state and he calms down.

When you have nightmares, you wake up to Tommy holding you and looking at you worried. A light forehead kiss from him always works to calm you down.


Sam would scream in his sleep, making you worried while you're gently playing with his hair and humming his favorite songs.

If you had a nightmare, Sam would stay up with you and talk about it in the morning, reassuring you.


Paulie doesn't get nightmares much, but when he does, you find him curled up in a ball crying. The sight makes you also want to cry, but there's nothing that cuddling up can't fix.

Having a nightmare yourself, Paulie would have your favorite breakfast food and drink ready for when you wake up. If he has to leave early, he would leave a cute note for you to find.


Vito's PTSD from fighting in the WWII keeps both of you awake most of the night, so to take Vito's mind off the horrors, you snuggle and tell each other funny stories. 

You don't have nightmares easily but if you do, you usually forget them the moment you wake up. If you happen to have a bad one tho, you study Vito's sleeping face to focus on something else.  Vito would then ask you in the morning, why did you stare at him when he slept.


Joe doesn't get nightmares and when he does, he lies to you about it. You've tried to press him into opening up to you, but he refused.

When you have a nightmare and tell Joe about it, he just laughs and says, that it's just harmless dreams and nothing more.

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