Chapter One

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The alarm kept ringing, Willow lying straight on the bed looking up at her ceiling decorated with glow in the dark stars and moons. The house had it's way of bringing back memories. Her mom walked in using her wet hands to turn off the alarm and opened the curtains to let sunlight into the room and dried her hands with a rag.

"You heard the alarm, it's today so you've got to get ready. You worked hard for this and I'm so proud of you," her mom sat beside her on the bed.

"I know mom" She hugged her mom's waist, Her mom stroked her hair.

"That's enough baby get ready, I'm making eggs" She kissed her forehead and left the room. Willow got up, took a shower and carried her luggage to the sitting room. She joined her mom and Mia to eat breakfast.

"Eat up so we can get going" Her mom said, After a few minutes they were ready to go.

Droplets of rain rolled down the car window as Willow watched the rain fall. Mia had already fallen asleep at the backseat due to hours on the road, their mom brought up little conversation and Willow murmured in response.

Five hours on the road before they finally reached their destination. Willow got up, Mia and their mom followed her, Willow took her bags out of the trunk, Mia gave Willow a hug.

"I'll miss you so much" she said with her eyes filled with tears.

"I would come on holidays and I will call you whenever I'm free so don't miss me too much"

"Let me join that hug" Their mom joined the hug and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Willow was extra early for the first semester because she was fond of being in order. She had already packed into the room before her roommate even arrived, she had visited the school registrar's office and health center, spoken to her academic advisor about the course syllabus. Willow's roommate, Sandra who was also a freshman in chemistry while Willow was studying financial accounting.

"I was invited to a party, would you like to come along?"Sandra asked as she rummaged in her drawers.

"It's a Sunday, I'll rather stay here and watch some Netflix until I fall asleep" She tried to speak softly so she won't sound rude, Sandra walked to her side of the room.

"We've been in college for a month I think it high time we start having fun, c'mon I need you with me"

"Why? I might just be a burden, you go have fun okay" she unplugged her laptop from the socket and switched it on.

"In Louisiana where I'm from they always say you mustn't pass a good time without a buddy by your side" She said with a cowgirl accent,this made Willow chuckle. Sandra stood akimbo with a scowl to show that she wasn't going to give up.

"Okay fine! I'll come with you but you'll have to choose what I'll wear and I won't spend more than two hours"

"Yay!!" Sandra jumped and clapped in excitement like a child. Honestly if you look at Sandra from a distance on a regular day you might mistake her for a child. She was petite with little curves in the right places, and she usually pack her straight chestnut hair into two ponytails, she also wears a pair of big glasses but if you look beyond her smallish body and choice of hair do, she had the best pair of gray eyes and a very elegant nose.

Willow was amazed when they got to the venue, Sandra had told her it was at a student house but she hadn't expected any student to be able to afford such a place. Sandra's mouth was wide open showing that she was also surprised. Then someone standing in front of the house looked like he was waving at them, Sandra waved back.

"That's the guy who invited me, let's go," She held her by the arm and they walked to the house, when they got to the house Sandra introduce Willow to Chris. Chris has light brown skin, prominent cheekbones, deep set eyes and subtle chin.

"You guys look so obvious." He looked at them from head to toe, as he used his hand to sweep his shoulder length straight jet-black hair back. Willow felt offended, He walked them into the house, the sound from the house became more audible. It was Intentions by Justin Bieber, it was one one of her best songs, she smiled as the got into the house.

"What do you mean when you say obvious?" Willow said to him then she gaped at the sight of the place. The sitting room was filled with paintings on the bare wall,there were chandeliers on the very high ceilings and there was a piano by the side of a bifurcated stairs,the piano was surrounded with stanchions. Chris saw the look on their faces and burst into laughter.

"This is exactly what I mean,you look like freshmen." He kept laughing hard and when he was able to stop he looked at them. "Let me go and get you girls drinks."

After tons of dancing and drinking Willow couldn't find Sandra and she was already feeling tipsy since she was lightweight. Her head was spinning and everything looked double, she suddenly felt nauseous. She wanted to gag so badly, she tried her best to force it in but it way already coming. She tried to go outside but she was far from the door, she couldn't make it so she helplessly threw up by the side of the stairs close to the piano. She sat on the floor with her hands on her belly.

"What the hell!" She heard a voice from a distance but soon it got louder. She saw a blur of a masculine image coming closer to her, once he was close enough he held her elbow, pulled her up and shouted to her face.

"How dare you throw up on my piano" She didn't really hear what he said as it sounded like another language to her ears, she looked at him in confusion until her brain reprocessed the word.

"Oh I'm sorry!" She removed her hand from his grip and staggered towards the piano, just when she was about to clean the piano with her hands,he stopped her by holding her wrist

"You pig! You can't use your filthy hands to clean my piano." He let go of her hands and said emphatically "Just get out of here!" He turned away, she tried to follow him in her desperation to explain, she fell to the ground and there was a roar of laughter. The incident had gotten the attention of everyone in the party and they were all videoing.

She tried hard not to cry but it was too late when tears were streaming down her face. One of the heel of her shoe had broken so she managed to get up on her feet, removed both shoes and ran out in shame. Before she had gotten up, she saw him turn to look at her. On his face was an uncertain emotion, was it pity? No! It must have been disgust because he is the monster that made her go through this terrible humiliation.

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