🖇Part 3🖇

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While watching tv Mattia pauses the movie causing Yn and Ale to look at him.

Mat-"How'd you two know the people downstairs?"
Yn-"Their our ex's"
Mat-"Let's pay them another visit shall we"
Ale-"We shall"

They all get up and go to the basement they open the door and see the chairs empty.

Yn-"Fuck Mattia go get the others Ale you can come or go with Mattia"

Yn goes down the stairs slowly with Ale following.

Yn-"Mar I know you're there" Yn says staring at a dark space.
Yn and Ale gets pin to the wall
Mar looks down at Yn while Ale stares at them leaving Katie to look at Ale.
What they don't notice is Mattia and the others are listening at the steps not moving.

Mar-"You still look good my little slut" That sentence makes Ale and Mattia jaws to clench.
Yn-"I'm not your slut"
Mar-"What if I was to dick you down right here where we stand"
Yn-"I won't get wet because that's not attractive unless you're name is Alejandro and Mattia"
Mar-"C'mon baby yk you want this" he says pushing his hard length onto Yn's puthy Yn holds her moan.
Kat-"Don't worry about them focus on me on us"
Yn-"Shut your ugly ass up you and your partner here needs to back the fuck up we don't fuck wit y'all no more damn stop throwing yourselves at us it makes you look desperate and dumb also it's sad as hell *Yn looks at Mar* if you are not Alejandro you don't touch me if you are not Mattia you don't fucking touch me *Yn turns to Katie* and you get your dusty crusty ass hands off of him you don't touch him unless you're name is Yn you don't touch him unless you're name is Mattia now back the fuck up for I fuck you up"
Mar and Katie back up
Mattia then jumps and shout
Mat-"That's my girl"
Mattia turns to Mar and Katie
Mat-"Why y'all still here step" he says pointing towards the stairs 
Mar and Katie leaves

Mattia runs towards Yn and Ale
He kisses Yn then he turns to Ale and hug him.

Yn-"Look at my boys hugging" she giggles
They stop hugging
Ros-"Yn you told them"
Ava-"My best friend did that"

Yn laughs"They had it coming"
Alv-"We have a mission"
Rob-"What kind"
Alv-"We need Avani to be the control of the system, Yn you're the distraction do anything to catch everyone's attention Ale and Roshuan you guys need to have the security chase you, and me, Mattia and Robert will be looking around to find the safe and smash a computer with information on in and get any extra things we will meet on the roof"
Yn-"Dress code"
Alv-"Wear something fancy"

They all agree and go get changed

They all agree and go get changed                           Yn

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  Imagine what the boys wearMission next

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Imagine what the boys wear
Mission next

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