info on the au I'll be writing about + a/n

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I've seen a lot of fanfics about Bad being a demon so, what do you know I'm making him something similar to a demon, but with a bit of twist. (Which was supposed to be a whole fanfic on it's own but then I thought up of this, so I mashed it up together.) Techno, has been either described as a pig/human hybrid or an advanced piglin (minecraft mod). I decided to mash both of those up, not a new idea, and make Techno a human/piglin hybrid. I will try to describe them more as the story goes on; the only one who really has any changes to their appearance is Bad.

The main focus of the story is Techhalo, but if you read the tags you may have seen the other ship "Bad6d". I don't want to spoil too much of the story, but there is a reason why they were together (tagged "pastrelationships"), it will be the mostly in the first few chapters but will be referenced throughout the fanfic (there is a reason - i promise, just it may not make as much as sense as it does in my head).

Without spoiling a lot about this story, there will be some triggering topics. Such as dehumanization (mostly in reference to Bad being a demon - fallen angel creature), bad habits about one's self care (Badboyhalo and Technoblade).

As for real names, I decided to use them very sparingly opting instead to use their YouTuber name tags. If I do use their real names, I'll maybe change the spelling, like make Darryl into Derril or Dave into Davve (pretty stupid i know). A "plot" reason I guess for this is that in this world, real life names are really special, so likewise they will only be used sparingly.

Now all of that being said, this is completely fiction. Nothing in this story is in any way shape or form is an accurate representation of real life events between these two or any people in this story, though if you do find correlation between the two it almost certainly is coincidental.

But yeah this is all fiction, Technoblade and BadBoyHalo are their own persons so as a fandom we probably shouldn't tell them about our ships or whatnot. (Scratch out probably and insert definitely)

Updates will be random, but I will try to upload at least once every two weeks. Chapters may also vary in length.

Criticism is always welcome, and if you have any please leave a comment telling me what i can do so the story makes more sense. I'll try to read them all and respond as soon as possible.


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