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This fanfiction is inspired by other works, most specifically Not Quite A Villain(But Far From A Hero) by 7Flyingpancakes7 on Archive of Our Own, and My Hunter Academia by Dr.Writer21 on Fanfiction.net.

Keep in mind that I am not copying these fanfictions, however many of my starting chapters will contain ideas very similar to theirs. These authors have seemingly abandoned their works, however I understand that they have had trouble with copycats in the past. I hope this does not come off as one such repetition, as I am adding my own details to the story and am certainly not stealing word for word from their writing. That said, you should totally read their stories.

Okay, now that that has been stated, I'm going to go over a few key concepts here:

My first main change to the story is to put Killua in Class 1-B. There are many reason for this choice, such as the fact that they teach the same curriculum as 1-A without the need to adhere to tightly to super well-established characters most of the time. Pony Tsunotori doesn't exist here, and I'm having it so that quite a few of Class 1-B's students attended the same school and/or met somehow before their first day, for what I consider semi-reasonable background points.

I'm thinking about changing things a bit so that Kuroiro is bisexual, and is dating Honenuki even before they get into U.A., instead of the former having a crush on Komori. I did like his quirk of believing that if a girl speaks to him, they have a crush on him, and plan to keep it subtly, however even the overall relationship won't be overly mushy or anything, since neither seems very open about their emotions.

Moving on.

So, I can't take Killua out of the hero course completely(it is the most efficient use of his skills and gives him access to more information and private training sites than other courses, despite the occupation's conspicuousness), however I want to not only give more development and character to the secondary class' characters, but this will also allow my more opportunities to show the darker points of hero society, develop Killua's relationships with people outside the hero course as Class 1-A is so tightly knit due to their shared trauma that they don't mix well with outsiders, have him as a OP, jack-of-all-trades type that still manages to fly under the radar, and to not write Mineta.

So sorry. You all must be so disappointed on that last count.

But in all seriousness, I am not an encyclopedia of Hunter x Hunter nor Boku No Hero Academia knowledge, and in fact appreciate criticism as long as it is helpful because the series' timelines get confusing for me.

Now, next up: Killua, on killing.

Let me make this clear: he is an ex-assassin.

That statement carries a lot of baggage, obviously, but I'm not going to make him either a straight up sociopathic killing machine, nor am I making him a pacifist, whether unfazable or overly emotional, because he is neither. He will kill, not frequently, but not as a last resort either. His mental state is improving, however while the main aspects of his conditioning were kicked alongside the pin in his head, he still carries the weight of thousands, possibly millions, of murders on his shoulders, and therefore would likely keep the idea that some people do deserve to die. 

Not all of them, and he knows this, but he's a bit numb to that by now, and knowing he's gotten rid of some bad people at the expense of becoming one is okay with him right now.

I liked some of the friendships Killua developed in the aforementioned fanfictions, and would like to keep some parts of them, but for Shinsou's thing, I genuinely believe that Killua would have developed some level of immunity.

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