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When they get there they saw that the building looked old and abandoned.

"I wonder what used to be here?" Verago says.

"Me too," Dan says.

They then find a door and it was locked and so Dan used his magic to unlock it and they go in.

As they walked around it was covered in dust and it was dark thanks to the boards blocking the windows.

As they looked around Verago found a switch and flipped it and the lights turn on and they saw a lot of stuff.

"What is all this stuff?" Verago asks.

"It's some kind of lab technology of some kind," Dan says.

They then go farther into the building and they walked down the hall and each room had equipment for different things.

"Dan I found some stairs that lead down," Verago says.

"Then let's go see where they lead," Dan says.

They then go down.

When they reach the bottom it was just a giant room and something in the middle of the room covered with a big sheet.

Verago looks around and Dan walks to the big thing covered up.

He then grabs the sheet and pulls it off and gasps at what he saw.

"Verago" he runs to Dan "look at this"

Verago then looks at it and gasps as well.

"It's a dog and he's frozen," Verago says.

Dan then saw an old clipboard and looks at the paper that was clipped on it and reads it.

"Interesting" Dan says.

"What?" Verago asks.

"This dog is from a planet called Daxam," Dan says.

"What's Daxam?" Verago asks.

Dan reads more "well it turns out Daxam is the sister planet of Krypton and this dog crashed on this planet in a pod 25 years ago and when they found him they put him in this room with no sunlight to keep him weak and then they froze him until whoever needs him"

"What should we do?" Verago asks.

"He's in some kind of Cryogenic freeze," Dan says.

"What's that?" Verago asks.

"A Cryogenic pod or for short: Cryonic Pod or Cryo Pod was a single device designed to freeze one person in cryogenic suspension. Each Cryo Pod contained all equipment necessary to both put person into cryogenic sleep, and wake it up from it" Dan says.

"Then let's wake him up," Verago says.

"We will, but we need to be careful or we could kill him," Dan says.

"Ok," Verago says.

Dan then looks at the pod closely and wipes the dust away and he saw a control panel and reads what it says and then found the release button and he pushes it and they saw the ice melt.

Dan then looks at the pod closely and wipes the dust away and he saw a control panel and reads what it says and then found the release button and he pushes it and they saw the ice melt

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When it was all melted the pod opens and the dog falls on the floor.

"Is he ok?" Verago asks.

"He's breathing, but he's still out cold" just then alarms go off "we need to get out of here," Dan says.

"What about him?" Verago asks.

Dan picks him up "he's coming with us"

They then run out of the building and head back to the cabin.


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Dan meets Rocky the Mountain Mutt ✅ Where stories live. Discover now