Chapter 5: Uh oh..

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At night, Danny had started hearing footsteps from upstairs. She didn't speculate much at first, until she started hearing the footsteps from anywhere except the toy room. She went to investigate, a bit stunned to say the least as she saw that the door to the toy room had been opened, especially since she remembered that she had locked the door.

Danny crept inside the room, she first needed to figure out which toys had escaped the room. She looked around, and noticed that the two puppets had escaped. Danny was a bit on edge, due to her remembering one of the puppet's had weapons for hands. Danny carefully ventured back downstairs, trying to spot the two puppets, while listening for footsteps.

She wandered around for a few minutes, before spotting the jester puppet sitting on her bedside table. Danny stared at the puppet, it staring back at her as she noticed another note next to it. 'Where did Blade go?' it said, Danny watching as the puppets head spun around, now showing a frown on the puppet.

(Here's the note):

(Here's the note):

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