Music 🎵

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( Ok so maybe I did put Soudam in here... I'm not sorry. )

Last night really was one of the most interesting family dinners I've ever been to. Hajime's parents are... unique. Not in a bad way! At least they like me, not many people like me.

"Morning," Hajime walked into my room with a plate of bagels. He placed them on the table beside me and then proceeded to jump into the bed beside me. we relaxed for a bit but then quickly got ready for another day at school.

For once I was actually excited to go to school. The art exhibition is after school and all lessons are cancelled because of formal preparations. The only sad thing about this is that I have to help set up the exhibition while Hajime helps with the formal. I won't be able to see him until after school. I frowned. Hajime noticed, "Why so sad Nagito?" I hugged him tighter. "I won't be able to see you today, and I am so comfortable here with you." He giggled leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. "we will meet up after school! Its only six hours."

Six hours sounds like a lot to me...

We both got ready and headed off to school. On the way there we ran into Souda and another one of my classmates Tanaka. I ran up behind them scaring Souda by pouncing on his shoulders. Hajime and Tanaka laughed watching Souda and I mess around.

"Gundham!?" he cried. "It's not funny!" I looked at Kazuichi confused. Did he call Tanaka by his first name? That's a bit weird...

"I'm sorry my dark prince, it was a bit humorous though." I then turned my attention to Tanaka. Dark prince?


Souda picked himself up brushing the dirt off of his uniform. He screwed his face up at me before running over to Gundham and giving him a hug.

A hug...?

I looked over at Hajime who was clearly as confused as I was. I've known Souda for years and I've never seen him act like this once. Especially towards someone who he used to hate. At least that's what I thought...

"fine, No I don't. I was pretending because of my father; I don't usually talk about it."

when we played truth or dare... he said he pretended because of his father... hm...

"Oh! Komaeda! I forgot to tell you!" Souda called pulling me back to face him. "I don't really know how to word this," he chuckled a little. I could see the embarrassment in his eyes. "Gundham and I, we..." he trailed off. "We are dating." He tugged at Tanaka's scarf pulling him down to his height. they both giggled.

That makes more sense...

so, if I'm right, he faked liking ms Nevermind because his father didn't support him and instead, he likes Tanaka who clearly likes him back. I'm not that surprised. "Your dating?" Hajime questioned popping his head over my shoulder. Both of them nodded.

Hajime and I both laughed followed by Souda and Tanaka. Our cheerful cries were interrupted by the school bell ringing close by.

"Shit we're late!" Hajime shouted tugging on my arms forcing me to run along with him. he was so fast I could barely keep up.

• Time Skip • (Recess)

The exhibition preparations were so boring without Hajime. I had nobody to laugh with or talk to. I used to be fine on my own, but now that I have been talking to Hajime and my other friends much more often than before, I feel much lonelier when I'm alone.

I guess that's the downside to being social.

As soon as I heard the bell blast, I sprinted out of the art building to my locker to put away my things before hurrying off to meet Hajime at the hall. Hopefully things were going well. I can't imagine how happy he must feel to have so many friends already.

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