Chapter 3

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The photo above is just a rough layout of the continent. Sorry for my lack of art skills.

C- Central Kingdom

N- Northern Kingdom

W- Western Kingdom

E- Eastern Kingdom

S-Southern Kingdom

Note: It looks like a small island floating in the middle of the ocean but it's actually really big, like huge. I imagine the entire continent to be around the size of North America, maybe a little bigger.

Sebastian grinned, a cruel smile on his face.

"I'm honored you know my name, Your Highness." he said, getting up and bowing slightly.

Even though Sebastian seemed respectful, to Austin, it almost felt like he was going mocked.

"Of course, Lord Sebastian. It seems impossible for one not to know such a noble name as yours. I'm sure that not a single person in this land hasn't heard of you, the recent genius of Pardanel Academy."

"Surely you jest, Your Highness. I thank you for your praise. To what do I owe the pleasure of having you in my humble house today, from my window nonetheless?" he asked.

"I do sincerely apologize for that." said Austin. "I am here to make a simple deal with you today, Lord Sebastian."

"A deal?" said Sebastian. "Please do have a seat."

Sebastian got up and walked over to a table that was posted a few meters away from his bed and he poured himself a glass of water from the large pitcher on the table.

Austin took a seat at one of the chairs at the table and then Sebastian sat down opposite him. He was quite impressed that the young Lord still upheld royal courtesy when speaking to Austin, an abandoned prince and it proved to impress him with how he could deal with many different situations yet Austin's overall image of Sebastian did not change, either a friend or a foe.

"Would you care for anything?" Sebastian asked. "If you need it, I will prepare it immediately."

"Thank you for the offer but I'm fine." said Austin. "I would not like for my visit here tonight to become public. Now, let's get started, shall we?"

Austin produced a small folded up piece of paper from his pocket and set it down on the table.

Sebastian took the paper and gently unfolded it, scanning his eyes over the paper.

As he read it, his hand began shaking, before he slammed the paper down on the table, glaring at Austin.

"You, what are you trying to do?" he exclaimed, anger entering his voice.

Austin put a finger to his lips, making a shushing motion.

"Be careful, we don't want anyone hearing anything, do we?" he said, a slight chuckle entering his voice.

"How did you get this?" Sebastian asked, his voice a little quieter than before.

Written on the paper were several different counts of embezzlement and other crimes that Sebastian's father, Duke Mildan, had committed.

"It was quite simple after doing some investigative work." Austin said. "I have many other lists of his crimes, as well as evidence for each crime."

He smiled, putting both his hands together and setting them on the table.

"What do you want?" asked Sebastian.

"Just a few things." said Austin. "The first being, I want you to sit as the head of the Mildan duchy."

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