sparring | sbi

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NOTE: this is very much based on the things going on in the dreamsmp rn lol

"okay, will place your feet right, and techno, make sure you don't kill your brother, alright?" phil laughed as his two sons practiced their skills. techno was practically already perfect at sparring, but he wouldn't tell wilbur that, as he wanted wilbur to feel equal to his brother.

"okay, ready when you are!" wilbur smiled at his brother. techno tightened his grip on his wodden sword. "alright, go!" phil watched as the two fought. it was going pretty well until wilbur was knocked down my techno and techno stared hitting wilbur with the sword.

phil laughed at the sight. his middle child was on the ground curled into a ball as his oldest son was hitting his brother with a wodden sword. phil walked over to the two quickly and picked his son up. wilbur looked up at him and pouted. "dad, he was being unfair!" wilbur pointed at techno as he snickered.

"its not my fault you're bad at fighting, you loser!" techno stuck his tounge out at wilbur, causing him to cross his arms. "alright you two, go get cleaned up for dinner, i have to go get tommy from his nap." phil set wilbur down and ruffled his hair.

wilburs fingers tightened around the pencil in his hands. "fucking hell..." he sighed as he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. all of these memories were starting to hurt his head.

he felt so cold. he wanted someone to give him a hug, or even just tell him a few encouraging words. but no one was there. they were all either building new l'manberg or refused to speak to him. the only people who still appreciate him are tubbo and fundy, but thats mostly it.

it's his fault, though. he blew up his own nation, his home. "fuck!" he groaned as he slammed the book closed and threw the pencil. why did he have to blow it all up? what benefit did it have? he sighed as pulled himself out of the chair and went up to new l'manberg.

he saw how happy everyone was, tommy and tubbo laughing as they saw quackity and karl arguing with eachother, and how pretty everything looked. it wasn't his l'manberg anymore, and it never will be his again.

𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒, ㅤmcytWhere stories live. Discover now