The Siren In the Woods (2/?)

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Karl and Freddie would still be exploring the woods, Freddie nervous about exploring further, while Karl was carefree. "C-Can we j-j-just go back? W-We can e-explore tomorrow..." Freddie's voice was super trembly, clearly, he had saw something that terrified him. Freddie felt like he was being watched, constantly looking around. "Oh, come on, Fred. You are never like this. Are you scared of a little squirrel? Or maybe a tiny bug?" Karl laughed, before turning up to face Freddie. "Fine, we can start going back. Besides, it's starting to get dark." Freddie and Karl would start walking back to camp, before from a very far distance, they could hear a siren, quietly blaring an alarm. They ignored it, thinking it was just a flood alarm test, since there's no signs of rain. Karl and Freddie would make it back as the sun was nearly down. They set up their tents, started a fire, and hung out with everyone else, before everyone went to sleep. The next day, Karl and Freddie went exploring again, going far from the campsite. They had stuff to find their way back, and a radio to call for help. As they explored, Freddie was still on edge the entire time, always checking behind them, looking through the trees for any unnatural movement. Soon, they would make it to a small clearing in the forest. "Woah, this clearing is massive!" Karl looked around the clearing. There was a small hill in the middle, but that was about it. As they were looking around, they heard the siren again. It sounded closer, but still a distance away. "Someone ought' to fix that alarm." Karl exclaimed, stretching his arms. "I wonder how far out we went." As they were looking around, the siren noise stopped completely, before suddenly coming back on, blaring. It sounded as if it got closer. This freaked them both out, cause it was weird that it got closer. They turned to walk back the way they came, having made small little rock piles that lead back to camp. They walked at a fast pace, trying to get away from the siren. The siren didn't seem like it was getting quieter, though it stayed exactly the same. Soon, Karl and Freddie started running, eventually making it back to camp after 45 minutes of running. The siren still emitted sounds from far away, not getting closer anymore. At around dusk, Freddie and Karl would be staring into the forest, before Freddie's eyes widened. "K-Karl! L-Look! Do you see that?! I-It's moving!" Freddie slightly shook Karl, pointing at what appeared to be a telephone poll with arms and legs. Karl didn't notice, though, only seeing trees among trees. "There's nothing out there, Freddie. Maybe you are just seeing things." Karl sighed, turning to walk back to the others. Freddie remained staring at the beast. Suddenly, the sirens turned on, and the creature turned towards Freddie. . .

The Siren In the Woods (2/?)Where stories live. Discover now