11. Finding Out The Gender

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Harry: Sitting back on the familiar examination table, you and Harry patiently waited for the result of the gender test. You knew he was hoping for a girl, but you would be happy either way. When the doctor finally came in, your squeeze on Harry’s hand grew tighter. “Alright Mr. and Mrs. Styles, so the results of your test are in. Just so I’m making sure, you guys want to know correct?” the nurse asked, holding the papers in front of her. Both of you nodded in unison, and she grinned. “Well, I would start picking up some blue paint, because you two are having a boy!” You two immediately looked at each other, wide, joyful smiles spreading across your faces. “A boy…” Harry breathed out, moving closer to you. “We’re having a boy…” “I know you wanted a girl…” you whispered back, resting your forehead against his. “I know but… a boy… I’m still so happy sweetheart, I’m just so happy he’s healthy,” your husband smiled widely, kissing your lips gently.

Liam: “Mr. and Mrs. Payne?” the nurse came in with a soft smile on her face, flipping through her clipboard. “We have the results of the gender test, but it is completely up to you if you wish to know what it is. There’s no problem in waiting until they’re born.” You looked over at your husband, chewing your lip. “What do you think babe?” Liam shrugged, returning your gaze. “Maybe we should wait…?” he suggested and you smiled. “I think we’re going to wait and let it be a surprise,” you answered for the both of you and she nodded understandingly. “Of course! It’ll just make everything much more exciting when the time finally comes! But you can always change your mind if you choose, we’ll keep the results on file,” she explained as you nodded, kissing the back of Liam’s knuckles. “Thank you so much.” 

Niall: “I can’t believe we’re having a boy!” he smiled widely as you two got in the car after your appointment. “I’m going to have a son! I can teach him how to play football, and there’s just so much we’ll get to do!” he smiled widely starting up the car. You couldn’t help but chuckle at how excited he was, it was absolutely adorable. “I know babe, I’m so excited. With a dad like you, he’s going to grow up to be such a charming man,” you giggled, buckling up your seat belt. “And with a mum like you, he’s going to be absolutely handsome!” “I think both of us apply to that part,” you giggled again as he began to drive home. Niall held onto your hand tightly, going on about how much fun him and his son were going to have. Hearing him so excited was the biggest thing to you. Knowing that he was ready, made the whole anxiety of having a baby so much more bearable.

Zayn: He chewed the inside of his lip nervously, holding your hand as you sat in front of the doctor’s desk waiting. “Why are you so nervous?” you chuckled softly, squeezing his hand and bringing it farther onto your lap. “I don’t know… it’s not like there’s something to be nervous about, we’re just finding out if we’re having a boy or girl…” he mumbled, more to himself than you. Just as you were about to speak up, the door opened, revealing your doctor. He came in and sat in front of you, setting the papers on his desk. “Alright! We have your results,” your doctor grinned, and you looked at him with an eager smile. “What is it? A boy or a girl?” Instead of telling you, the doctor handing you the paper with the results on it, and once you read the gender, a wide smile spread across your face. “What is it babe?” Zayn asked softly. “We’re having a baby girl.”

Louis: “I wonder if we’re having two boys, two girls, or one of each,” Louis chuckled as you two watched the nurse walk into the room with the answer to his question. She started speaking; already knowing you two had chosen to find out early. “Alright Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, before I announce the gender, we have confirmed that your twins are identical.” A wide smile immediately crossed over your face as you listened intently, feeling Louis’ arm go around your waist. “And you will be having identical twin boys.” It was Louis’ turn to smile like an idiot. You knew he had always wanted a boy to play football with and pass his passion down, but now there was two of them. “Oh my god!” your husband exclaimed, covering his mouth with his hands. “(Y/N), thank you so much!” You furrowed your eyes brows, laughing softly. “For what?” “For giving me our perfect little family.”

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