Chapter 5- the hospital

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The next thing I know I’m waking up in a hospital bed! I had survived and I was home! I slowly opened my tired looking eyes as my mum was stood staring. “OH DARLING, DARLING YOU ARE AWAKE!” “DOCTOR DOCTOR QUICK HE’S AWAKE!” she said shouting as always. A pale colored skinned doctor walked through the door. “Ok miss can you excuse me a moment he may have memory loss.” Said the doctor as she walked towards me and my mum moved out the way. Memory loss I thought, I couldn’t have I can remember my mum. “Hello there jack I’m your doctor dr. smith, can you remember anything?” the doctor said as my mum stood there hoping I would speak up. “Err, she’s my mum.” I said and this time I could speak clearer. My mum jumped with joy. “HE HASN’T GOT MEMEORY LOSS!!! HE KNOWS WHO I AM IT’S BRILLENET!!!” My mum shouted across the room to the doctor. “Ok jack can you remember what happened to you, who brought you here or anything like that?” the doctor said scramiging through the paper files trying to find my profile. “I can remember what happened to me but not who brought me here.” I said trying to remember. “Ok that’s a start I guess!” the doctor said. “Arr here’s your profile it say’s you had a shot to the brain and it could cause some memory loss.” I happened to catch my eye on the hospital window as my Uncle Pete was stood watching everything. I froze did he mean for this to happen? Did he die as well that’s why he’s here? No he couldn’t have he escaped! This is so complicated I would rather be dead! Then I realized maybe this was still the computer world and somehow my mum got in it. Strange I know but surely it’s possible. Uncle Pete walked through the hospital door as my mum turned her head and stood extremely still she couldn’t speak at all, and that’s unusual for her! He just looked at her and looked at me. “you ok jack?” he asked. Now I was really puzzled so let me get this straight, he let the army of men tie me up he walks away letting me die then he comes into my hospital room and asks to see if I’m alright! He’s bonkers! What should I say, I didn’t know whether to say you left me for dead, because if I did, my mum would say I told you so. Or If I should play the dumb act and act normal. “Who’s asking?” I said not thinking, out of everything I wanted to say to him I said that! My mum went closer to my bed, and put my head in her arms. “What are you doing here?” she asked holding me tight. “Well I’m guessing he’s the dad!” the doctor said as my mum looked at her angrily. This didn’t seem good she could be kicked out of the hospital by shouting at the doctor and I could be here with him alone! “No actually he is not the dad, my husband died in the war, he’s nothing to us and I don’t want him here.” My mum went on to the doctor. The doctor looked quite mad and put her head down. “Carry on like that miss and I will call security!” the doctor said deafeningly as she stared beastly at my mum. “In fact can you leave right now miss, before I have you kicked out.” She said as my mum got up in a hurry. “WHAT NO! I cannot leave my son here WITH HIM!” mum said louder than ever before. “Just go he will be fine.” Before I had chance to say anything I saw the doctor push my mum out of the door, then my mum waved at me put her head down and walked away. “Right excuse me be back later got another patient to go to.” The doctor shut the blinds walked out the door and shut it behind her. Now we were finely alone, me and Uncle Pete was I frightened or was I not? Well, whatever it was I definitely had butterflies, maybe it was because I was going to get some of my questions answered. “So why you here then.” I said trying not to sound to worried. He came and sat at the bottom of the bed. “You’re not home you know.” He said as he had me shocked and scared. “I’m not then why is my mum here and you’re here and why is there a hospital in a computer game!” I said kind of razing my voice; this could be a big mistake in the future. “Well when you get injured in the game, it plays a tune your mum must have heard the tune and clicked the mouse which means she is now stook in the game, and until you win all the rest of the battles none of you will be set free.” Oh my goodness I thought, have I really got my mum stook in the game? This is my entire fault this time! So it isn’t true that if I die I go home, it makes things worse! Oh yeah I have just remembered Uncle said that I won’t go home until I have completed it! I should have run away while I could! Instead of getting my mum into this! Oh, I had really done it this time! I wondered why she looked older. Does she even know she’s trapped? Maybe she did but she was more worried about me, or she didn’t want to worry me. Did Uncle Pete have something to do with this? Well it’s not like he hadn’t done something as bad as this before is it!

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