Flash Fiction

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"My idea of a perfect Christmas is to spend it with you"

-Perfect Christmas (Jose Marie Chan)

The sweet melody of the music reverberates, echoing the Christmas spirit like a gentle breeze in a chilly night of December. Hearing the song felt different this year. It's bizarre, as if there's an abyss of mystery hidden by the usual jolly mood of Christmas.

On the solace, lavender floral sofa nestled a little lad with a teddy bear nuzzled close to his heart. He gazed out the window, eyes shining as tears reflect the colorful blinding lights of the lanterns, totally contradicting his anguish at the very special day of Christmas. He sobbed back his tears and wiped it with the hem of his cute striped sweat shirt that was given on Christmas day by his parents.

He embraced his stuff toy tighter with a tight-closed eyes and he heaved a deep sigh. What a mature act for a little boy, he sure knows a lot for his age. His eyes flew open when a familiar voice started creeping his ears, he slowly turned his head and there he was greeted by the sweet smiling visage of her nana.

"Your favorite fruit cake is already baked, Arnulfo. Why won't you take a bite?" his nana suggests joyfully but Arnulfo just stayed at his location, still deep in thoughts.

"What's wrong, my dear?" the lady scooted beside the boy and gave it a side-hug hoping it would ease the boy's tensed muscles.

"Nana, are mom and dad coming home tonight? It's the celebration of papa Jesus' birthday," Arnulfo asked innocently at her nana whose eyes are wide already. The lady got speechless for a moment as she realized it was the reason why the little boy remained sad after all.

She cleared her throat and faced Arnulfo with sympathetic eyes, she caressed his cheeks and uttered, "I don't think they'll be able to come home tonight, Arnulfo. They are busy helping sick people out there, saving lives from Covid-19," the lady explained carefully for the little boy to understand. His parents still haven't called yet if they could make it tonight, but the lady is silently wishing they could, to bring a little smile on the boy's lips.

"B-but I miss them so much, nana," Arnulfo stuttered, in the verge of crying. He started to sob and his nana dragged him closer to hug. "Want to make some more of your fave fruit cake?" the lady suggests, trying to lighten the mood. The little boy’s eyes twinkled after hearing it. "So, you game?" she grinned from ear to ear as she uttered those words.

Arnulfo nodded vigorously and dragged his nana into the kitchen to start baking. The lady chuckled at the little boy's action.

"Here, mix this," the lady handed Arnulfo a bowl and he immediately followed what was said to him. They enjoyed and got hooked on it when the doorbell suddenly rang. Arnulfo didn't notice as he was so into his work. His nana went out to check who it was and then there she saw Arnulfo's parents, not in a PPE suit but in a red and green colored long sleeve, perfect for Christmas.

It's in their eyes in which longing is visible. The tiredness in their souls is the evidence of their hard work out there. They both gave the lady a sincere hug. "I thought you two couldn't make it," the nana mumbled as she was trying hard to contain her emotions.

"We should and we did," the mother stated smiling. "Let's go inside, he's baking. He misses the two of you so much," the lady said and led the parents into the kitchen where Arnulfo has his nose at the batter.

The mother couldn't take her emotions anymore and so the tears started streaming as she watched her little boy. The pandemic has affected many families, especially the frontliners’. They barely have time to bond with their loved ones, trying to save many lives.

It’s a heart-clenching scene for Arnulfo’s parents.

“Are you done there, dear?” the nana asked Arnulfo to get his attention. “Not yet, nana! This shall be the most delicious fruit cake ever,” Arnulfo stated.

“Would you mind us helping you?” the mother asked and that was when Arnulfo knew he was hearing the voice of comfort. He let go of the bowl and slowly turned his head to make sure he was right about his assumption and when he saw the couple of familiar faces, he knew he was right.

He walked slowly and tears were threatening to spill at any moment. It reflects the lights of the Christmas tree. Now, his eyes shone not because of tears of longing, but because of the tears of joy. He wrapped his little arms around his parents and tears flooded their hearts.

“We love you, dear,” his father and mother whispered to his ear.

There, Arnulfo understands why his parents had to stay away for months. He was able to grasp the responsibilities and sacrifices many frontliners like his parents have to make and accomplish to save lives of those people they don’t even know. Even if it costs their time with their families or perhaps, their lives.

Also, he realized that spending time with his family particularly when Christmas must be treasured, especially now because we are not sure of what the future has in store for us. We don’t have any idea where and when will be the end of the world so keeping memories like this in our little storage box is a must. Capture their smiles, the memories at the back of our heads and play it again when the time comes.

“Come on everyone, let’s eat fruit cake and celebrate Christmas,” the lady suggested smiling, interrupting Arnulfo’s thoughts. They took seats individually and happily celebrated Christmas with each other’s warmth as the song “Perfect Christmas” echoes not just in their fruit cake-smelling room but it also echoes in their hearts.

“In a party or dinner for two anywhere would do

Celebrating the yuletide season

Always lights up our lives

Simple pleasures are made special too

When they're shared with you"

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