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The case was a very riskey one and I could tell from the beginning.

  "Grab you coat" Darcy urged.


     "We have to go check out the crime scene."

It was the dead of winter, I left the window of the car open a bit hoping some of the tension would leave. As we stepped out into the crime scene, my heart started pounding.

     " Victim is identified as Jessica Lanner, 5'5 weight about 110, and is 16. She goes to the local high school and was considered by many as popular" said an officer who was already at the scene.

Before looking at the incident I took a deep breath to regain my cool. And sure enough there the body laid. She looked beautiful but poisonous. I gently kneeled down and pulled off the masking tape. To out surprises, inside her mouth was a piece of paper from her diary stuffed in.

     "The paper is the cause of her death, the culprit stuffed it down her mouth and then covered it with the tape suffocating her. The rest of the stabbing was probably a result of long term hate."

     "No" I replied confidently

"He couldnt of done that. The killer is very smart and we can see that through the execution of this murder. Masking tape is very easy to break especially with your tongue. And this is a very crowded neighborhood. He was smart enough to know that once she broke the tape she would wail for help and someone would come. He wouldn't risk it like that. I believe he stabbed her first. And once she was dead he marked her as his victim. He wants the world to know he exists.

And if my theory is right, then we have a serial killer on our hands."

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