Chpater 1 :

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This is the first chapter of my new story.

Hope you enjoy reading and please feel free to vote and comment . It would mean a lot !

Thanx !



( A hot picture for our hero Andrew Choi , God ! he's perfect and he is mine so don't go far in yor imagination girls ;^) haha )

"Sorry "

 Katrena apologized after bumping into someone. She didn't look at him as she was shy and had more important things in her mind than the seemingly hot guy she bumped into. Well you can't help but feel the six packs when you come crushing right into them... Her thoughts were cut off when he spoke

" Watch where you walk ! " The guy almost snapped at her. Geez what is wrong with him? She apologized ! It's not like she tripped over him on purpose !

Andrew walked fixing his shirt. What is wrong with that girl ?


" Is this apartment number407 ? " She asked as the door was open and a girl standing there while worker unloaded stuff from a truck down the building .

"Yeah... you are Katrena, right ? " Heejin asked

" Y-yeah, that's me ^^ "

" Welcome ! We definitely needed a girl to balance things here ^^"

" What do you mean ? "

" C'mon in and you will see "

She followed Heejin inside the apartment . She just noticed she didn't ask the girl's name. well she will just figure it out later

They got in the living room where a girl was sitting and three guys sorting out things in boxes

" Hey guys, this is Katrena, our new roommate ^^ "

" Hello Katrena ^^ I'm Aiden Lee "

" I'm Spencer lee, pleasure to meet you "

" I'm Zhoumi, I guess you noticed that I'm Chinese "

" And I'm Henry . Nice to meet you "

" Nice to meet you all ^^"

" I'm Heejin and this is In young "

" hi girls ^^ "

" SO I'm doing my PHD in fine arts and In young  is majoring in acting "

" Wow that's wonderful ; I got a scholarship in English Literature here in Oxford "

" Eh that's mean you are pretty good in English " Aiden said with the most beautiful smile ever

" thanx, what are you studying , Aiden ? "

" Well me and Henry are into music, Zhoumi into singing and finally my buddy , Spencer is the dancing machine of this campus " Aiden answered

" Wow that's really amazing ! I hope we will be great friends " She answered with    enthusiasm

" Believe me we will be the best friends ever ! I'm so into shopping and no I'm not gay but I just love shopping " Zhoumi smiled and winked

" Great ! We sure are going to have millions of shopping trips "

" C'mon , We will help you with your bags " Henry said already holding a bags while the others went down to bring the others

" Thanks guys ! "

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