Chapter 35. Patronus Lessons ☾

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After Christmas had past, everything went back to normal again. Harry was asked to stay back after the first potions class of the semester. During this time Professor Snape thanked him for the present and asked him how he found it. Harry told him it was just lying around his vault, with a preservation spell, probably for ages. The Professor then asked him how long it took the boy to decipher it. Harry replied, saying it was nothing. The potions master dismissed the child, but Harry realized that he wasn't given any homework to do. In fact, he was subtly dismissed Harry from homework for a whole week.

"I cannot believe Professor Snape is playing favorites again! Not giving a student homework is just preposterous! It was bad enough we could always tell he favored Draco, but now he isn't giving you of all people homework. How are you ever going to learn?" Hermione ranted. This had been going on for about twenty minutes and, needless to say, Draco and Harry were getting tired of it.

"Why wouldn't my godfather favor me? Plus, I deserved it! I am talented in potions." Draco defended.

"Shut up, no teacher should ever favor their students. If it were right, then perhaps Professor Lupin should be giving points willy-nilly to Harry just because he breathes. Perhaps McGonagall should let Harry off from class early. I mean, he did defeat Lord Voldermort three times already. Professor Snape is not a just teacher!" Hermione continued.

"Hey! Professor Snape is a brilliant teacher!" Harry fortified.

"I never said he wasn't brilliant, I said he wasn't moral." Hermione clarified. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I have to go meet Remus and pretend I have no clue how to produce a Patronus. See you." Harry responded. Dragon got up from where he was laying and started to follow his godson. "Where do you think you're going?" Harry stopped the dog from following him, "Uh uh, no, you are going to stay here. This is between Remus and me. You can stay here and chase Severys around the dorm again." Draco looked affronted.

"Hey!" he shouted, holding the snake wrapped around his arm close to his face, "I'm sure he doesn't mean it Sevy, just ignore the mean ol' Harry." Draco booped the snake on his nose.

"We have got to get him a girlfriend! 'Mione?" Harry mentioned slyly.

"What?" she asked. Harry rolled his eyes and told Dragon to stay one last time. He then walked down the corridors until he reached his destination, Remus' office. Harry knocked on the door before standing back and waiting to be let in. Remus suddenly came up behind him carrying a large packing case, wand being carried by his mouth, and motioning for Harry to open the door. He walked in and dropped the large case on the floor.

Remus then turned towards Harry. "Hello, are you ready?" Remus enquired.

"Yes, yes, I am." Harry replied, and then thought back to last time. Last time I had no idea what we were doing, better seem ignorant then. "What's that?" Harry motioned to the case.

"Another boggart," Remus answered. "I have been combing the castle ever since Tuesday, and very luckily, I found this one lurking inside Mr. Filch's filing cabinet. It's the nearest we'll get to a real dementor. The boggart will, more likely than not, turn in to a dementor when he sees you, so we'll be able to practice on him. I can store him here when we're not using him; there's a cupboard under my desk he'll like." Remus explained.

"Okay." Harry replied, thinking it was great his boggart was dementor since he was in no mood to fight a real dementor at the moment.

"So..." Remus started, taking his own wand from where he had set it on the table, indicating that Harry should take out his wand as well. "The spell I am going to try to teach you is highly advanced magic, Harry- well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level. It is called the Patronus Charm."

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