Chapter 1

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"We have done everything we can. Unfortunately Mr. Lexington did not make it. He passed almost instantly at the accident. As for Mrs. Lexington, she is awake right now, however she is in critical condition and there is nothing we can do. You'll have to get ready to say your goodbyes"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'm losing both my parents on the same day. I feel like I can't breath. This can't be happening. This is a dream! Right? Please tell me it's a dream!

"I can take you guys to her room"  the doctor said.

I felt a hand intertwine with mine. I looked up and saw glossy big blue eyes. She gave me a wrinkly, sad smile. "Come on, honey."

We sadly followed the doctor to my mothers room. I hesitated to look up but when I did I instantly felt my stomach drop. My beautiful mother looked all beat up and pale. I hated seeing her like this. She was a strong, dependent, beautiful woman and right now she looks sick, weak, but still beautiful.

I felt something hit my leg. I looked down to see a shiny blonde mop of hair. I picked him up and gave him a weak smile. He must not know what was happening. I mean he was only 3 so he doesn't understand, not yet.

"Ethan we're going to go inside and say goodbye to mommy, okay?"

"Where is mommy going?" He asked wiping my face of the tears that were falling.

I looked at my grandparents who were already in the room saying their goodbyes to their only daughter. What am I suppose to tell him? I don't want to lie to him.

"Mommy is going to go to heaven. But don't worry buddy because her and daddy are going to watch over us"

"Daddy is gone too?" He asked with tears starting to well up in his big blue eyes

"Yes" I sniffled " but we can't say bye to daddy. Let go though" 

Finally getting the courage we step inside the room. Mom looked at us with a weak smile and glossy eyes. God I'm going to miss her so much. I don't know how I'm going be to here without her.

"Don't cry, my love" she said as we got closer. I set Ethan next to her on the bed, carefully not to hurt her. She cupped my face in her hands and pulled me down to kiss my forehead. "I may be gone but I-I will always be with you guys. Look after each other and your grandparents." She looked at Ethan and held him close.

"Now you mister, you better behave yourself and keep an eye on your sister! We know how she can be a little crazy" she laughed but soon her laughed turned into a cough.

"I love you mom! I don't know what I'm gonna do without you!"

"You're going to carry on. I know it's going to be hard but I know you can do it." She took my hand a squeezed it as tight as she cloud, which wasn't very tight. "Take me necklace. You'll have a piece of me everywhere you go"

I take the gold necklace with my shaky hand. I smiled at my mom and hugged her tightly with Ethan in between us.

"I love the both of you so much"

That was it. The last thing she said.

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