Whare is the Doctor???

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When I did wake up everything was back to normal the small vibrations wear thare. Everything seemed normal. Until I got up. Thare was a pool of blood on the floor. I couldn't see where the blood came from. It didn't take me long to work out where the blood was coming from...it was coming from me. Wen the TARDIS went into freefall my side...well got skewerd. My blood was running down my leg. I was confused I didn't know what to do. The mettel pole that I hit was still inside me. It must have snaped off of the wall when I hit it. I had a disishon to make take the pole out or leave it in...I did the wrong thing. I did take the pole out...and as I did blood began to poor from the now open woond. I saw the blood tern from a trickel to a raw. I fainted.

The second time I woke up I was in the TARDIS control room. No blood was enywhare to be seen on the floor. So I looked at my top...it was still drenched in blood. I lifted my top to look at the woond and I found a perfect  bandage raped around me. I stood up and looked around for my resquer...who I naturally assumed to be the Doctor. But no one was thare. So I shouted "Doctor whare are you?". To which no reply came. So I shouted lowder "Doctor." I tried to make my voce sound urgent. But still no reply. So I sat back down and thort when did I last see the Doctor. I couldn't remember. My head hert and I did start to feel dizzy. I had to find the Doctor no mater what. I needed to remember where was the last time I saw him. I would find the Doctor... but first I would find the monster in the TARDIS.

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