Chapter Six: The Hotel

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(A/N: ^^^^The Death Glare Of Kira... *scared*)

After 5 long hours on the train, they all got off and the dragon slayers all recovered as they took a step off the train.

“I feel better now!” Natsu said happily.

“I don’t want to go on a train anymore.” Wendy cried.

“Now Wendy, how would you get to your jobs?” Carla asked.

“I could walk.” Wendy said.

“That would take far too long.” Carla said.

“Hey, Wendy.” Kira said as she walked to the young dragon slayer.

“Yes?” Wendy asked.

Kira bent down to Wendy’s height.

“How about next time, you can sit with me and I can try and make you feel better, ok?” Kira asked.

“Ok.” Wendy said.

“Well everyone, let’s go.” Erza said.

They all walked for around 30 minutes until they arrived at a hotel with a beach right in front.

“Whoa...” Everyone gasped.

“Indeed. I got us all here for free.” Erza said.

“How did you manage that?” Mira asked with her usual smile.

“I helped the owner many years ago. He still remembers me so I’m lucky I guess.” Erza said.

“Miss Scarlet!” Someone said.

Everyone looked and saw an old small man walking to them.

“Hello Mr Davis.” Erza said.

“I have the best rooms in the hotel for you all, set and ready.” Mr Davis explained.

“Thank you.” Erza said.

Mr Davis took them all to the room. It turns out he was talking about the penthouse. 

"Whoa..." Everyone gasped.

"I shall leave you to unpack!" Mr Davis said as he left.

"Wow Erza, you must have helped a lot!" Kira smiled.

"I only got rid of some trolls and a ogar as well as a few rebels. That's all." Erza said. She looked around and saw a little hallway.

"I think that's where the rooms are." Kira said as she stood behind Erza. Erza jumped and looked at Kira.

"Kira, you scared me." Erza said.

"Sorry, should we go check it out?" Kira asked.

Erza nodded. The two walked to the doors and noticed that there was only 10 rooms.

"10 rooms and there's 20 of us." Erza said.

"Oh dear, looks like we'll have to share rooms." Kira said.

"Yes. I'll ask Mira to do that." Erza said.

"Are you sure?" Kira asked.

"Yes. Mira!" Erza shouted, walking away.

"She's digging her own grave..." Kira sighed.

Kira walked through and saw Natsu and Gray fighting.

"Alright boys, break it up." She said.

"But... He started it!" The two shouted, pointing at each other. Kira tried to smile, even though it was hard because they were acting like 3 year olds.

"I don't care who started it, just both stop!" She ordered.

"Bossy..." Natsu mumbled.

"What was that Natsu?" Kira asked, with a vain popping out of her head as she gave Natsu a death glare.

"N-nothing!" Natsu squeaked, scared. Kira smiled.

"That's what I thought." She said before walking off.

"She's scarier than Mira and Erza put together..." Natsu said, sweating.

"Hey Kira." Gray smiled.

"Ah! I didn't mean it! I swear!" Natsu shouted. He looked but couldn't see her and Gray started to laugh. "Huh? Where's Kira?" Natsu asked.

"She's over there with her cousin!" Gray laughed as he pointing towards Kira who was talking to Lisanna and Elfman.

"You tricked me!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know!" Gray laughed and Natsu pouted.

"I'll so get you back." He mumbled.


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